Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's The Difference With The Green Xanax

love as a disease treatment

U.S. scientists found that intense and passionate feelings of love may offer an "amazing analgesic effect" similar to drugs.

Researchers at Stanford University, California, brain scans discovered that many brain areas normally involved with response to pain are also activated with loving thoughts.

"When people are at that stage to passionate and obsessive infatuation, there are changes in mood that have an impact on their experiences of pain," says Dr. Sean Mackey, who led the study published in the journal Public Library of Science, PLoS ONE.

Phase passion

Experts discussed students who were in the first phase of a romance, "stage of more passion."

The analysis was induced dose of mild pain while watching if you were distracted by looking at pictures of his beloved partner.
turned out that the same brain areas are activated by the intense love are the same areas that the drugs used to reduce pain

These include areas related to dopamine, the chemical that produces a feeling of being at brain after taking certain stimulants such as eating sweets or drugs such as cocaine.

Source: BBC News


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