Saturday, November 6, 2010


homophobia Create Free churches in Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara

In Mexico, according to the Interior Ministry are 7 000 392 registered religious associations, of which 7 000 360 are Christian, and the rest Jewish, Islamic, budistas, hindúes y otras. 

En los últimos años han surgido en México otras congregaciones cristianas con espacio para la comunidad LGBT, frente a lo que consideran discriminación de las iglesias más tradicionales, especialmente la Católica. Hoy hay por lo menos seis grandes comunidades cristianas que incluyen a la comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Transexual.
Se believes that one reason why the churches have sprung for the LGBT community. Is that Mexico City has been placed at the forefront in the adoption of laws for the rights of sexual minorities.

The Mexican Catholic Church in line with the Vatican condemns homosexuality and legal unions between same sex.

However, since last March was in effect the reform of the Civil Code townsman, which endorses marriages between same sex, so far 433 have been conducted weddings between same sex.

"Light House", was born in 1998 in Guadalajara, with a total of 80 members, also present in Monterrey.

Hope Christian Community (SCC) in the City, with about 200 faithful.

In Mexico City we also have the Metropolitan Community Church "Reconciliation." This congregation was founded in 1981. While it has about twenty active members, convene religious services about 70 people.

inclusive These Churches are present in at least 23 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Source: La Jornada


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