Monday, November 8, 2010

Mold For Making Lead Sinkers

've ever wondered why more men are alcoholics? Gestational

is known that alcoholism affects twice as many men than women but until now ignored what were the mechanisms that could contribute to the susceptibility male.

U.S. scientists discovered why men are more vulnerable women to become alcoholics.
According to researchers at Columbia and Yale universities , the key is dopamine, a brain chemical that is released when drinking alcohol.

The study, published in Biological Psychiatry (Biological Psychiatry), the researchers designed a laboratory test to analyze alcohol consumption of young "social drinkers" men and women.
After consuming an alcoholic beverage as a non-alcoholic each of the participants underwent a specialized scanner in a computerized imaging technique that can measure the amount of dopamine that is released with the consumption of alcohol.

P lacer and reward
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has multiple functions in the brain, one of which is the effect of pleasure produced when released with rewarding experiences such as sexual intercourse or drug use.
The experiment results showed that despite that men and women drank similar amounts of alcohol, the men released a greater amount of dopamine than women.

Source: BBC News


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