Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hacks For Sidekick 09

Where are the opportunities for women?

World Economic Forum published its Global Report on Inequality Gender in 2010

For the second consecutive year, Iceland the country with the greatest gender equality in the world, as it has done more to give women and men equal opportunitie, the countries that follow are also listed Nordic countries: Norway (2), Finland (3 ) and Sweden (4), fifth place is New Zealand.

The report notes that Cuba is a Latin country where women enjoy better conditions of equality with men, on the Caribbean island females represent a high percentage of enrollment primary, secondary and higher education, representing 43% of Parliament and nearly 60% of professional and technical workforce in the country.

Costa Rica remains in at 28 and Argentina at 29. Chile, located in seat 48 rose 16 places from last year due to the empowerment of women in areas such as politics and almost a gender balance in education.

Brazil ranks 85, dropping four places from 81 last year. It is one of the countries with the lowest indicators as to the participation of women in management the country, although in the second round of presidential elections scheduled for October 31, Brazil could elect a woman president.

Latest positions of the Latin American region is occupied by Mexico (91) and Guatemala (109).

According to World Economic Forum, in all countries surveyed, the differences between men and women in access to health and education have been shortened, but still greater when it comes to economic participation and politics.

However, no country has achieved full equality between men and women, according to a report released Tuesday by the World Economic Forum.

Source: BBC News


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