Sunday, November 14, 2010

Camila Rodriguestravesti

reproductive options for families homo

addition to the adoption, marriages or same-sex couples have alternatives to form a family, such as assisted reproduction or artificial insemination with donor, with an approximate cost of 30 thousand pesos.
surrogate gestation, known as womb for hire, which is elected, mostly male homosexual couples and assisted reproduction technique dubbed CLOTHING, egg stands for reception of the couple, which is basically a reproduction "in vitro", used by couples lesbians, where one of the women put the egg and the other the uterus.

According to the magazine "LetraEse" Human Fertility Center in Mexico reported that in 2009, 20 to 30 percent of single women seeking artificial insemination lesbians. It is estimated that Mexico has at least one million families homo, according to the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED).

Driving: Adrian Marshall Production and operation Controls: Alejandra Cervantes Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo Guests: Jaime Morales, and microentrepreneurs, theater producer and owner of a forum shows Mexico City (currently has contracted marriage with Televisa actor, Luis Felipe Nájera).

can listen to the program by


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