Monday, November 8, 2010

Can I Fake Tan After Waxing

Good reasons to have sex at least once a week

usually Couples should ask how often and regularly have sex the answer is that there is no right answer.

sexual life of couples is influenced by several factors: age, lifestyle, health, libido and, of course, the quality of their relationship in general.
What might seem too much sex for one person may be insufficient for others. Although there is no right answer to the question of how often you should have sex, it is advisable to book at least once a week.

not long ago, CNN reported that millions of couples are caught in relationships with low desire, due to a number of factors:
"The stress of the recession and that is gaining share relationships.

"The couples are very busy and tired to have sex.

-side effects of several drugs that inhibit the desire (especially anti-depressants).

-Easy access to pornography on the Internet.

"The increase in obesity and other lifestyle and health that reduce libido.

When couples stop having sex, their relationship becomes vulnerable: anger, separation, infidelity, and finally divorce. Sex matters, is the glue that holds us together, and without it, couples become "good friends" in the best, and worst, 'roommates'.

Beyond the fact that sex is fun and free, and allows couples to stay connected, CNN gives a list of what are the reasons why which sex is recommended once a week:

1-Sex rejuvenates you, relieves stress, strengthens the immune system, releases feel good chemicals, called endorphins, and the men, improve prostate health.

2 - A healthy sex life can make you a success even in the office: recent research biologist and anthropologist, Dr. Helen Fisher, suggests that people who enjoy regular sex can be more successful at work, perhaps because the Sex improves confidence and self esteem.

3-The ideal is to end the routine. Sex is like exercise, when you give It is easy to fall into a slump, but once you return to the routine, you remember how much I miss her. The old adage "if you use it, spoils" has some truth.

Source: CNN


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