Monday, November 8, 2010

Ripped Tore During Brazilian

Women as home service provider's service

Data from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) show that in 2005, of the 22 million households in the country were counted Almost a quarter of households (23.1%) had a woman as head of household.

researcher at the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM), Delia Esperanza Garcia Vences, explains that now the family is changing and the female family head grows, so to join women's economic activity, gives you the ability to access the public sphere, have their own income and make decisions.

However, while Mexico won the women a space in the labor market, suffer from wage discrimination. According to INEGI, the income female population perceives their work is 12.6 percent below that of men.

According to statistics from the National Survey of Employment and Occupation by INEGI in 2005. In 1970, only 17.6% of women in Mexico participated in the labor market, currently 40% of women are part of the workforce. However, 17.4 of men earn more than five minimum wages for women this number is barely 10%.

Zabludovsky To Gina, author of the study "Women in Mexico: work, higher education and levels of governance, the institutional life of the country still relies on misconceptions and prejudices which show that the deep attitudes have not changed and that in the race for promotion to positions of power, women women encounter obstacles.

Driving: Adrian Mariscal, Daniel Badillo
production and operation: Alejandra Cervantes
Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

Specialist: Anabel Sanabria, representing the Jalisco Institute of Women.

You can hear the audio program here:


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