Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Remember Getting High Was Only On Swings Poem

In Mexico City it is common for women with financial need lend their wombs to conceive children of other couples in exchange for financial remuneration, the practice is evident in private hospitals, where women and men come intending to become parents and unable to do so, a young woman seeking to extend its uterus. Given this phenomenon, on 21 July this year, the Federal District Legislative Assembly adopted the Law on Surrogate Motherhood, in which a woman can "rent" the womb of another when they face problems of infertility.

Surrogacy Law of the Federal District, states that no doctor can practice an implant without a document called the Instrument for Surrogacy, signed by interested parties; the doctor is obliged to make preliminary examinations for pregnant women, and the DIF-DF should make a home visit to check if you live in a stable family environment free of violence. Subsequently, a notary public must witness the instrument and notified to the Ministry of Health of Mexico City and the Civil Registry to confirm that the woman has not paid more than twice her uterus.

The Surrogacy contract provides that the biological mother will be required to submit medical studies that confirm their infertility. It is also essential to establish the obligation the biological mother and father bear all medical expenses that are generated from gestation to full recovery of the pregnant woman. Among the requirements that must cover pregnant women are asked not been pregnant for 365 days prior to the transfer of human embryos, which has not participated in more than two occasions in the introduction, enjoy good health and that their intervention is conducted in a free and nonprofit.

Driving: Adrian Marshall and Daniel Badillo
Production and Operation: Alejandra Cervantes
Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

invited specialists: Representative, Ana Estela Aguirre Juárez Vice-President of Equity and Gender Commission of the Federal District Legislative Assembly, Attached to the Labour Party.

Sociologist, LA Gonzalez, Program Manager Gender Studies at the University of Guadalajara.

You can hear the audio program here:


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