Saturday, November 20, 2010

Disney Princess Light Up Tent

U.S. non-sexist and anti-discrimination Education

Why this campaign? According
Internet portal of the campaign seeks "an education to build relationships of respect, equality and cooperation between the genders, which guarantees a human rights culture that does not validate or playing stereotypes, prejudices and inequalities. An education that reflects the different cultures living in this, our continent, one of the richest and the poorest at a time. "

More information through CLADEM (Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of the Rights of Women).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Camila Rodriguestravesti

reproductive options for families homo

addition to the adoption, marriages or same-sex couples have alternatives to form a family, such as assisted reproduction or artificial insemination with donor, with an approximate cost of 30 thousand pesos.
surrogate gestation, known as womb for hire, which is elected, mostly male homosexual couples and assisted reproduction technique dubbed CLOTHING, egg stands for reception of the couple, which is basically a reproduction "in vitro", used by couples lesbians, where one of the women put the egg and the other the uterus.

According to the magazine "LetraEse" Human Fertility Center in Mexico reported that in 2009, 20 to 30 percent of single women seeking artificial insemination lesbians. It is estimated that Mexico has at least one million families homo, according to the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED).

Driving: Adrian Marshall Production and operation Controls: Alejandra Cervantes Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo Guests: Jaime Morales, and microentrepreneurs, theater producer and owner of a forum shows Mexico City (currently has contracted marriage with Televisa actor, Luis Felipe Nájera).

can listen to the program by

Delete A Character In Sorority L

Forget plastic surgery, eat well

A good diet combined with daily exercise routine can do more for the appearance that cosmetic surgery or makeup, according to a study by the University of St Andrews, Scotland.

The experiment asked several people to rate what they considered attractive in a face.

"What we discovered is that skin color is one that has attractive light red tones, some yellow and is lighter than normal," says Dave Perret, psychologist and author of "In Your Face: The new science of human attraction (Head to Head: The new science of human attraction.)
"That combination is likely due to diet and exercise: Exercise increases blood flow and diet changes the chemical composition of our skin," he adds.

Healthier, more attractive

Perret Dave's advice for anyone wishing to become more attractive is to "change their lifestyle instead of resorting to plastic surgery or buy expensive clothes and makeup. "

"Changing diet and lifestyle can be a great benefit to the appearance and in that sense can be a profitable alternative," he says.

Source: BBC News

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Germany made history by appointing the first rabbi in history

Alina Treiger, a Ukrainian immigrant, and s first Rabbi naming since the Second World War, who unlike his predecessor, have the same rights and responsibilities as their male colleagues. What did not happen with the latest Rabbi, who was forbidden to preach.

Treiger The management is a reflection of the growth of Jewish communities in Germany. born in 1979 in the midst of a strong Orthodox Jewish community. Unable to speak the language, emigrated to West Germany.

"When I came to Germany, came to the Jewish community and I realized that it was possible to live as a Jew here," Treiger told the BBC.
After five years of study, the religious community of Oldenburg in the northwest of the country, has appointed Rabbi: "I did not choose this work, he chose me," he said.

The penultimate

The last rabbi died in Germany during the Nazi regime in 1944.
"She was murdered in the (concentration camp) Auschwitz."

Source: Bbcnews

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Appointed the first female president in the history of Brazil

Dilma Rousseff The incumbent party candidate won the second round of presidential elections, becoming the first woman to govern Brazil.
Rousseff, 62, reached 56% of the vote compared to 44% of his rival, Jose Serra.
And although the November 1 and is president-elect, will begin his term as president until January 1.

He stated that among his priorities will be present intention of eliminating poverty, providing build on the achievements of his predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Analysts agree that Lula's participation in the campaign was crucial to victory Rousseff, who was his Minister of Mines and Energy, as well as secretary general of his government.

Source : The Universal

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ripped Tore During Brazilian

Women as home service provider's service

Data from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) show that in 2005, of the 22 million households in the country were counted Almost a quarter of households (23.1%) had a woman as head of household.

researcher at the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM), Delia Esperanza Garcia Vences, explains that now the family is changing and the female family head grows, so to join women's economic activity, gives you the ability to access the public sphere, have their own income and make decisions.

However, while Mexico won the women a space in the labor market, suffer from wage discrimination. According to INEGI, the income female population perceives their work is 12.6 percent below that of men.

According to statistics from the National Survey of Employment and Occupation by INEGI in 2005. In 1970, only 17.6% of women in Mexico participated in the labor market, currently 40% of women are part of the workforce. However, 17.4 of men earn more than five minimum wages for women this number is barely 10%.

Zabludovsky To Gina, author of the study "Women in Mexico: work, higher education and levels of governance, the institutional life of the country still relies on misconceptions and prejudices which show that the deep attitudes have not changed and that in the race for promotion to positions of power, women women encounter obstacles.

Driving: Adrian Mariscal, Daniel Badillo
production and operation: Alejandra Cervantes
Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

Specialist: Anabel Sanabria, representing the Jalisco Institute of Women.

You can hear the audio program here:

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Advertise sexual offense must also be

ads sex in the media contribute to the sexual exploitation of women, adolescents and children, to promote the business of pimps, said Irene Castillo, director of the Group Social Studies, Argentina.

The specialist said that newspapers "serious" as the country raised to about 86 million dollars each year for sexual service ads that generate violence against women and the devaluation of women.

Irene Castillo said that if the procurement is a crime, ads publicizing their actions, so should.

demand for prostitution is the "most responsible" for the "sex industry," said the researcher. And the media instead of allowing the promotion of this "business" should question the use of prostitution, to contribute to the eradication of these forms of slavery, which mostly affect the poorest women, he said.

addition to El Pais newspaper as ABC, El Mundo, La Vanguardia occupy 60 percent of its spaces for ads that advertise the sexual contact.

According to an analysis by Irene Castle in three Argentine newspapers, the largest circulation are of the most advertised this kind of advertising.

example of this is the Clarin, which distributed 388 thousand to 787 thousand copies per week, provides 59 percent of its space devoted to ads that advertise sexual contact with women, only 1 percent offered male prostitution, directed on mainly gay crowd.
The expert concluded that requires a campaign to publicize the "dangers of prostitution ads and the application to public institutions not to invest in institutional advertising in the media who benefit from these ad sales people with the purpose of trafficking and violence. "

Source: CIMAC News

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Good reasons to have sex at least once a week

usually Couples should ask how often and regularly have sex the answer is that there is no right answer.

sexual life of couples is influenced by several factors: age, lifestyle, health, libido and, of course, the quality of their relationship in general.
What might seem too much sex for one person may be insufficient for others. Although there is no right answer to the question of how often you should have sex, it is advisable to book at least once a week.

not long ago, CNN reported that millions of couples are caught in relationships with low desire, due to a number of factors:
"The stress of the recession and that is gaining share relationships.

"The couples are very busy and tired to have sex.

-side effects of several drugs that inhibit the desire (especially anti-depressants).

-Easy access to pornography on the Internet.

"The increase in obesity and other lifestyle and health that reduce libido.

When couples stop having sex, their relationship becomes vulnerable: anger, separation, infidelity, and finally divorce. Sex matters, is the glue that holds us together, and without it, couples become "good friends" in the best, and worst, 'roommates'.

Beyond the fact that sex is fun and free, and allows couples to stay connected, CNN gives a list of what are the reasons why which sex is recommended once a week:

1-Sex rejuvenates you, relieves stress, strengthens the immune system, releases feel good chemicals, called endorphins, and the men, improve prostate health.

2 - A healthy sex life can make you a success even in the office: recent research biologist and anthropologist, Dr. Helen Fisher, suggests that people who enjoy regular sex can be more successful at work, perhaps because the Sex improves confidence and self esteem.

3-The ideal is to end the routine. Sex is like exercise, when you give It is easy to fall into a slump, but once you return to the routine, you remember how much I miss her. The old adage "if you use it, spoils" has some truth.

Source: CNN

Mold For Making Lead Sinkers

've ever wondered why more men are alcoholics? Gestational

is known that alcoholism affects twice as many men than women but until now ignored what were the mechanisms that could contribute to the susceptibility male.

U.S. scientists discovered why men are more vulnerable women to become alcoholics.
According to researchers at Columbia and Yale universities , the key is dopamine, a brain chemical that is released when drinking alcohol.

The study, published in Biological Psychiatry (Biological Psychiatry), the researchers designed a laboratory test to analyze alcohol consumption of young "social drinkers" men and women.
After consuming an alcoholic beverage as a non-alcoholic each of the participants underwent a specialized scanner in a computerized imaging technique that can measure the amount of dopamine that is released with the consumption of alcohol.

P lacer and reward
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has multiple functions in the brain, one of which is the effect of pleasure produced when released with rewarding experiences such as sexual intercourse or drug use.
The experiment results showed that despite that men and women drank similar amounts of alcohol, the men released a greater amount of dopamine than women.

Source: BBC News

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Remember Getting High Was Only On Swings Poem

In Mexico City it is common for women with financial need lend their wombs to conceive children of other couples in exchange for financial remuneration, the practice is evident in private hospitals, where women and men come intending to become parents and unable to do so, a young woman seeking to extend its uterus. Given this phenomenon, on 21 July this year, the Federal District Legislative Assembly adopted the Law on Surrogate Motherhood, in which a woman can "rent" the womb of another when they face problems of infertility.

Surrogacy Law of the Federal District, states that no doctor can practice an implant without a document called the Instrument for Surrogacy, signed by interested parties; the doctor is obliged to make preliminary examinations for pregnant women, and the DIF-DF should make a home visit to check if you live in a stable family environment free of violence. Subsequently, a notary public must witness the instrument and notified to the Ministry of Health of Mexico City and the Civil Registry to confirm that the woman has not paid more than twice her uterus.

The Surrogacy contract provides that the biological mother will be required to submit medical studies that confirm their infertility. It is also essential to establish the obligation the biological mother and father bear all medical expenses that are generated from gestation to full recovery of the pregnant woman. Among the requirements that must cover pregnant women are asked not been pregnant for 365 days prior to the transfer of human embryos, which has not participated in more than two occasions in the introduction, enjoy good health and that their intervention is conducted in a free and nonprofit.

Driving: Adrian Marshall and Daniel Badillo
Production and Operation: Alejandra Cervantes
Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

invited specialists: Representative, Ana Estela Aguirre Juárez Vice-President of Equity and Gender Commission of the Federal District Legislative Assembly, Attached to the Labour Party.

Sociologist, LA Gonzalez, Program Manager Gender Studies at the University of Guadalajara.

You can hear the audio program here:


homophobia Create Free churches in Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara

In Mexico, according to the Interior Ministry are 7 000 392 registered religious associations, of which 7 000 360 are Christian, and the rest Jewish, Islamic, budistas, hindúes y otras. 

En los últimos años han surgido en México otras congregaciones cristianas con espacio para la comunidad LGBT, frente a lo que consideran discriminación de las iglesias más tradicionales, especialmente la Católica. Hoy hay por lo menos seis grandes comunidades cristianas que incluyen a la comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Transexual.
Se believes that one reason why the churches have sprung for the LGBT community. Is that Mexico City has been placed at the forefront in the adoption of laws for the rights of sexual minorities.

The Mexican Catholic Church in line with the Vatican condemns homosexuality and legal unions between same sex.

However, since last March was in effect the reform of the Civil Code townsman, which endorses marriages between same sex, so far 433 have been conducted weddings between same sex.

"Light House", was born in 1998 in Guadalajara, with a total of 80 members, also present in Monterrey.

Hope Christian Community (SCC) in the City, with about 200 faithful.

In Mexico City we also have the Metropolitan Community Church "Reconciliation." This congregation was founded in 1981. While it has about twenty active members, convene religious services about 70 people.

inclusive These Churches are present in at least 23 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Source: La Jornada

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love as a disease treatment

U.S. scientists found that intense and passionate feelings of love may offer an "amazing analgesic effect" similar to drugs.

Researchers at Stanford University, California, brain scans discovered that many brain areas normally involved with response to pain are also activated with loving thoughts.

"When people are at that stage to passionate and obsessive infatuation, there are changes in mood that have an impact on their experiences of pain," says Dr. Sean Mackey, who led the study published in the journal Public Library of Science, PLoS ONE.

Phase passion

Experts discussed students who were in the first phase of a romance, "stage of more passion."

The analysis was induced dose of mild pain while watching if you were distracted by looking at pictures of his beloved partner.
turned out that the same brain areas are activated by the intense love are the same areas that the drugs used to reduce pain

These include areas related to dopamine, the chemical that produces a feeling of being at brain after taking certain stimulants such as eating sweets or drugs such as cocaine.

Source: BBC News

Friday, November 5, 2010

Labia Strech Port Free

Perhaps it is still too early to express what I feel and feel what the October 27, 2010, we lost. But as I think with the hot blood are more sincere and genuine feelings, I write. We
thousands who went to Plaza de Mayo to express thanks, solidarity and all kinds of feelings that I would probably be short of words to dress up and reflect what we feel many. There were people who gave him strength to Comrade President, others were grateful, others swore allegiance to Cristina and above all there were many who Nestor appreciated having "restored dignity."
I was very young on December 20, 2001, but I remember very well the cacerolazos, repression, the helicopter, the fervor popular that took over the streets. But a May 25, 2003, a penguin came from the south, who used his jacket unbuttoned, who had a look and speak up comedian. Came from the south with the promise of freedom from all ills that were suffering Argentines make a country more just and suggested we dream, just 30 years exactly the assumption of Campora (be coincidence.) Many thought it was the continuity of Eduardo Duhalde and his government, which had left two dead and fight. There was a mixture of suspicion and hope for the feelings of the Argentines who looked like they had nothing to lose.
That penguin, coming from the south, that few knew, until an old and anachronistic "journalist dared to call "The Duhalde Campora," began to play very strong interest breaking with old and strong power structures Argentina. In the first months pardons were revoked and the laws of Due Obedience and Final, or call the Impunity Law ; down poverty rates, unemployment, homelessness, country risk, etc. So, little by little (though for what had been done in so short a time was a lot) started to build what he promised he could become a progressive space which had some features of that glorious youth 73 ' who fought for a country fair, free and sovereign.
It was Kirchner, and no one else, who had the courage and decency to apologize in his capacity as Chairman of the National as representative of the Argentine State "for having quiet for more than 20 years the horrors of the dictatorship" . It was Kirchner and not another, because it's him and nobody but him that he could ask for and expect such a thing. Kirchner was, and not another, which took as a state policy to investigate what happened in the clandestine detention centers during that disastrous period, this March 24, 2004 in the former ESMA. Kirchner was, and not someone else who raised the need for youth offending, involved, active in politics to organize, to discuss, to criticize. Kirchner was, and not another, which extended the retirement scheme allowing the entry of thousands. It was Kirchner, and no other, he who raised the country's worst economic and social crisis in the history of our country. Kirchner was, and not another, which led to the society within the debate on income distribution. It was Kirchner, and not another, which was against the media power structure largest of Argentina with the intention that the information is still not handled, groped and monopolized by those who impose decades uncertain and illusory realities . Kirchner was, and not another, which broke with neoliberalism and the "carnal relations" with the United States that persisted during the 90 ' and finally formed a Latin American unity as an alternative proposal to the models imposed by the powers and the IMF to create an identity and a continental idea is respected by those who have made us a colony. It was Kirchner, and no other.
Then, do a very simple balance of some of the achievements, and to the image of death as only a disappearance of the physical, material and not truly abstract sense, I wonder what stupid celebrate the few who dared to pan and celebrate his death. Are the same as claiming torture, kidnapping and terrorism of state, who benefited at the expense of all the worst times, the same as in the 52 ' painted "live cancer, those who cry out for a country unfair and inequitable and that today are encouraged to post signs with the slogan "Long live the stroke." But with such hatred and barbarism, the answer was in the streets, with a massive turnout and a collective involvement rarely seen. Watched with admiration, hope and excitement when I left Casa Rosada on Thursday near 14 hours. the sea of \u200b\u200bpeople who were in North Diagonal until July 9, over all that was grouped in the square and in other avenues, with queues of up to eight hours to get into him a last farewell.
Seeing these two contrasts, where for right endeavors cataloged as a disastrous government, and the left populist calls opportunist, I say to myself, tell them the grandchildren of grandmothers recovered thanks to the intense human rights policy of this government, which was a disastrous government, populist and opportunist. They explain the millions of men and women in Argentina now have jobs, social security and dignity that was a disastrous government, populist and opportunist. Explain them to the hundreds of thousands of kids today can go to school, receive a universal allowance, have a vaccination plan which was a disastrous government, populist and opportunist. They explain to mothers that can now bury their children, find justice and see the murderers of their children having a fair trial and final decision, which was a disastrous government, populist and opportunist. To explain to people regain their dignity, hope, active and militant participation in politics, debate, ideas, social and economic strength was a disastrous government, populist and opportunist.
Kirchner could have been a president more, one to fix things, let them just like that and be functional for many interests. But he decided to change policy. May have left and were in the Armed Forces, the dictatorship, but decided to do justice. He could have chosen to be functional and vultures Clarín interest, but decided to take the octopus. May have left pensions in private hands and not to discuss the merits of the case, but decided to break with this system and ensure and raise the retirement of old ones. May have not fought with the field and continue on the same line of his government, but decided to give a long battle for equal distribution of income, even risking a lot. It could have been functional FTAA colonial economic plan and be a puppy over the United States and Fox, Uribe and others, but decided to break with the rule and consolidate a Latin American common market rules and principles themselves sitting. When I see all the headaches that could have been saved, I wonder if he was interested only make money and negotiated, why what was spent on face all these structures of power that could have toppled?
That Wednesday October 27, 2010, will be on me as one of the saddest days, hopeful and painful of my life and militancy. Because I went from crying, sorrow and grief to understand they need to participate more than ever since we can, to further change, to change reality and create new utopias to help us walk as a society. Because I believe that only through politics and only through it, you can produce a real and meaningful change, I believe more strongly in the accompanying participation in this model which we live, defending and being critical of it. Thanks
Penguin for bringing the discussion to all corners of the country, even after his death. We will make you, your ideals and your achievements, which are already ours, "a banner of struggle that will collect and take you to victory.



Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hacks For Sidekick 09

Where are the opportunities for women?

World Economic Forum published its Global Report on Inequality Gender in 2010

For the second consecutive year, Iceland the country with the greatest gender equality in the world, as it has done more to give women and men equal opportunitie, the countries that follow are also listed Nordic countries: Norway (2), Finland (3 ) and Sweden (4), fifth place is New Zealand.

The report notes that Cuba is a Latin country where women enjoy better conditions of equality with men, on the Caribbean island females represent a high percentage of enrollment primary, secondary and higher education, representing 43% of Parliament and nearly 60% of professional and technical workforce in the country.

Costa Rica remains in at 28 and Argentina at 29. Chile, located in seat 48 rose 16 places from last year due to the empowerment of women in areas such as politics and almost a gender balance in education.

Brazil ranks 85, dropping four places from 81 last year. It is one of the countries with the lowest indicators as to the participation of women in management the country, although in the second round of presidential elections scheduled for October 31, Brazil could elect a woman president.

Latest positions of the Latin American region is occupied by Mexico (91) and Guatemala (109).

According to World Economic Forum, in all countries surveyed, the differences between men and women in access to health and education have been shortened, but still greater when it comes to economic participation and politics.

However, no country has achieved full equality between men and women, according to a report released Tuesday by the World Economic Forum.

Source: BBC News