Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Vulnerable Students gays

Based on the results of the First National Survey on Exclusion, Intolerance and Violence Schools in School Education, for 2007-2008, a large percentage of students at this level discrimination.

Of the 104 students surveyed 13 000 men and women aged 15 to 19 years, sub-federal, state and self-employed in Mexico, 54.0 percent said colleagues rejected AIDS patients, 52.8 percent to non-heterosexuals, and 51.1 percent for those with disabilities.

This survey, conducted at the request of the Secretariat of Public Education revealed that men are more violent than women are insulted, ignored, white and rejected offensive nicknames. However, women who reported higher rates of stress and depression.

Read full story in emeequis

After being expelled for his homosexuality by Violeta Oliva Cornelius, director of the College of Bachelors # 39, Carlos Williams is strung on 22 November the doors of the place and began a hunger strike, which lasted for 12 days.

According to statements Carlos Williams gave NotieSe during their protest homophobic attitudes by the director, who believed that homosexuality of the young "was not good image to the institution," were the ones producing that Charles decided to complain and ask, among other things, the dismissal of Oliva Cornelius as head of campus.


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