Sunday, December 12, 2010

Spot Under The Skin On Thigh

gradual increase of women with AIDS in Mexico

In Mexico there is a gradual increase and permanent the proportion of women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In 1987 there were 23 men to every woman infected and in 2008 the ratio was five to one.

In an interview, Tamil Kendall, an anthropologist specializing in the problems women and HIV in Mexico and Latin America, notes that the figures point to a dramatic change in the AIDS epidemic in the country.

"Most people are coming to the diagnosis in a deteriorated health status, not HIV, but AIDS," added the specialist.
According to United Nations, in Mexico there are 200 thousand people with HIV, of which an estimated one-fourth are women.

Del total number of people with HIV in the country, only between 40 and 50 000 are on treatment, as most know their diagnosis.

Source: CIMAC


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