Sunday, December 12, 2010

Record Vs Reason Difference

women of Juarez live in a state of emergency

The murders of women in Ciudad Juárez are increasing every day in October 47 murders were committed, historical figure that exceeds that of September, when there were 44 victims, according to the Red Mesa Association of Women in Ciudad Juárez.

Marrufo Imelda Nava, director of the institution, said in Chihuahua, women live in a state of emergency, especially with the impunity that prevails in the crimes committed.
recalled that a few days before the first anniversary of the ruling that the Mexican government received from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CoIDH) for For "Cotton Field" has not been fully implemented, which will pay to eradicate violence against women and that not only meets the government of Chihuahua but the Mexican State.

documented in 2008 killed 87 women, for 2009, 164, while from January to November 3, 2010, the figure is 271 victims of intentional killings committed against women.

Incháustegui Rep. Teresa Romero, of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), President of the Special Commission on Femicide, said nearly a year after the sentence was issued, local governments, state and federal levels continue talking about distribution of powers, "which ultimately are inefficiencies, and that each person is declared incompetent to comply with the ruling.

This is urgent, he said, because in Ciudad Juárez is no law, no state, only violence, a sadly disappointing balance, "it seems that there are naturally letter to violence femicide ".

Source: CIMAC


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