Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where To Buy Christina Aguilera Perfume

Intersex International Day Against Violence Against Women Not

CMDH The states that are 278 municipalities in Mexico who have the highest rates of violence against women. country's institutions report the largest number of cases are the State of Mexico, Guerrero and Oaxaca.

The National Women's Institute alert in Mexico, 7 in 10 women over 15 have had at least once, domestic violence, by their partners or family, community, work or school. And 4 out of 10, have been victims of violence in community spaces throughout his life.

For its part, the Special Prosecutor for Crimes of Violence against Women of the PGR says that on average, die every day in Mexico intentional killing six women, four of murder and two suicides, and that these, an average of 41% percent were recorded in their own homes.

According to the study Overview of Violence against Women in Mexico among the indigenous population, customs and practices affect hundreds of women who, after being sexually abused, are delivered to their attackers in exchange for livestock or a few bottles of aguardiente.
In urban areas, detail, asesina a sus Mujeres are husbands subjected to various forms of physical violence, as empujones, sprains, puñetazos, kicking and biting.

Driving: Guadalupe Ramos, Adrian Marshall and Daniel Badillo

Production: and Operation: Alejandra Cervantes

Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

Specialists invited: Doctor, Ismael Nuño Arana, Research Professor of the Centro Universitario de la Cienega, a specialist in Physical and Cultural Anthropology .

Maestra Patricia Bedolla Zamora, Deputy of the Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of Human Rights of Women in Mexico.

Degree Sociology, Ángeles González, Head of the Gender Studies Program at the University of Guadalajara.


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