Monday, January 24, 2011

Bamboo Beach Arch Sale

Human Rights Day

Human rights are based on human dignity. Therefore every human being regardless of age, religion, sex or social status, enjoy them. Are the powers, privileges and freedoms that a person by the simple fact of being, without which you can not live as such.

Three years later World War II, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the General Assembly squeezed that respect for human rights and dignity of the human person "are the foundation for freedom, justice and peace in the world."

In 1950 the General Assembly invited all Member States and interested organizations to observe 10 December each year as Human Rights Day.

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL The former president of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Rubén Moreira Valdez said that in Mexico, we live in a black six years because the drug war undertaken by the government of President Felipe Calderon were not respected individual rights.

require an investigation to determine the causes of more than 32 thousand dead, many of them innocent and you have to claim lack of respect for migrants and does not protect journalists, because this is the country most at risk in the exercise of their profession. Moreira said that our country, is a serious stain on violation of human rights of Central Americans and migrants, human rights defenders of human rights.

In an interview the president of the National Human Rights Commission, Raul Plascencia said that the country is in a harsh environment for human rights, so that the entire population is at risk of violation of its safeguards fundamental situation have also had thousands of women in Mexico, occupies first place in the world ranking of violent deaths of women in countries not at war, according to the Centro Reina Sofia, which evaluated 135 countries, said Ana Güezmes, regional director of the Development Fund of the United Nations for Women. according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography in Mexico, 67 of every 100 women aged 15 and over have experienced an incident of violence, either in partnership or in community, work, family or


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