Friday, May 6, 2011

Soft Cervix Neg Pregnacy Test

Deconstructing prejudices

Here I share a video that has made the little people of the ODS in Seville, providing strong arguments against the many prejudices that circulate in the collective imagination regarding immigration. Media, many of the official discourse and the lack of a highly complex reality with a tremendously rich potential contributing to the spread and solidification of this bunch of silly and harmful ideas. Not very, very necessary materials like this in these times. Congratulations!

catalog prejudices on immigration from ODS Sevilla on Vimeo .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Examples Of Pigeon Toed


Morena, flat face, in a country
obsessively racist.

... I am a lesbian, in a nation
who compulsively pursues me.

free to decide about my body,
territory of those making
laws that sought to stifle.

do not believe in their god, even though I live
oppressively Catholic.

invoke the goddesses,
patriarchy for thousands of years to try to hide.

participate in the labor struggle, a people
and traded and in the hands of the employer.

know the importance of the argumentative work,
when in my country are jailed
who disagrees.

'm anti-imperialist,
living next to Bush.

'm fat,
in the cradle of torture
of anorexia and bulimia.

I have given birth,
an era that ended with hope,
long ago.

I bet the liberation struggle,
in the realm of television.

I'm poor,
in a world where eating crumbs
many millions of poor.

I am a feminist,
in a hostile land
the word woman.

I am a woman at a time when
femicide has become disposable.

say I'm crazy, very crazy

I'm weird, I've become strange.
That I have no place in the world.

So I have no other:
I have to give name to racism,
be noted contempt,
to choose on my life, to arm myself
to invent the faith give it to my daughter,
to rebel against the employer,
to write for the freedom to political prisoners.
to denounce the empire,
to love my body,
to turn off the TV,
to show my pockets,
to act against misogyny,
to seek justice for mine,
to demand punishment for the murderers.

For all these reasons,
I have no choice but to give them
the bad news to good and quiet conscience:

I'm here. Requiring
the world where I belong.
And I will not shut my mouth, or to disappear.

Karina Vergara Patricia Sánchez

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How To Make A Homemade Coin

Change America, Change the Country ... To Change the City! Penguin Heart

In recent years, live in Latin America in general and in particular country, a social, political, economic and cultural. That change is reflected in the will of the people wanting to build a new destination, a new path.
Having failed neoliberal socioeconomic model, the peoples of these lands began to build a new collective consciousness that involved a real and profound change. Countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Paraguay began to reflect the desire to change almost simultaneously. This desire to become in and out, was creating a new regional identity, with strong bases not only in cultural but also political, economic, social and institutional. It is perhaps the decade of the awakening of our continent, and that is why we must expand and take in all sectors and corners of the continent.
In the Argentina, this transformation was knocking very strong power structures that historically resisted change, the wills and interests of the people. Today, 2011, we have the chance of a serious transformation, profound and qualitative perhaps one of the last traditional bastions of conservatism: la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
La Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que fielmente ha sido a lo largo de su historia fuertemente de derecha en su conjunto, parece hoy querer mutar su sentir y espíritu colectivo. Este contexto viene acompañado de dos factores rápidamente distinguibles: el fracaso del modelo macrista que ha llevado a la debacle de la ciudad, y por el otro lado un proyecto nacional que ha logrado incluir a los sectores medios que simpatizan con éste a raíz de una inmejorable situación económica de la cual se los incluye dentro ésta y en el que encuentran elementos culturales y de interés que los identifican. Gran parte de esta clase media que todos los manuales History has taught us that it is unpopular, anti-Peronist, right and individualistic, that has moved only when its interests, particularly economic, have been touched, he found a field of expression, discussion and sympathy as is "6-7 - 8 " and has successfully organized and self-summoned to fill the Plaza de Mayo in defense of popular government, Peronist and progressive. Has certainly kicked any of these manuals.
is why, in view of this unique situation along our history, the Baldwin Brothers presented to the great opportunity to realize all that call, organization and desire for change and expression, the installation of self-government that can articulate the City, the Province and the nation to further change background started.
Against such backdrop, the Baldwin Brothers presented itself on three sides: Daniel Filmus, Carlos Tomada and Amado Boudou. Like any decision implies the involvement of non-random values, in my opinion, I think Daniel Filmus is who is better able to carry out the transformation in the so devastated city of Buenos Aires. Filmus, a candidate which he can be considered and installed, it comes hand in hand to dispute the Head of Government in the last election to Mauricio Macri. On the other hand, Filmus is who can line up as many forces that make up the structure of the Front for Victory. On this side, it would be very interesting to the participation of sectors such as the New Meeting or the Solidarity Party (PSOL), which you can make an immense contribution to the project, with the likes of Gabriela Cerruti, Carlos Heller and Vilma Ibarra and others.
At the same time, I think that both Carlos Tomada and Amado Boudou, very good staff, which has been demonstrated over its functions, but they are not political cadres as if it is Filmus, and I think they would make a better and greater contribution to the National Project from its place officials.
On the sidewalk in front, the ruling party in the city-the-macrismo is faced with their own waste, a product of bad management that seems to Mauricio Macri force to retake the city, giving up his presidential aspirations and running back-and far-to the President in the polls. This wear is clearly seen when one looks back on his failed government: the power of the task force of the UCEP, wiretapping, the appointment of Fino Palacios, the only district in the country which raised the infant mortality rate, repression of cardboard in Belgrano and street vendors in Liniers, failure of the Metropolitan Police edilicia crisis, no budget execution, and destruction of public health education, conflict with the Teatro Colon. At this juncture, in principle, the PRO has an internal candidate and Horacio Rodríguez Gabriela Michetti Larreta, but who runs with greater advantage in the polls is former deputy chief of government. At the same time the electoral offers a third possible (and increasingly likely) candidate, Fernando "Pino" Solanas.
In this sense, Kirchner has a very big challenge which I shall deal with intelligence, seriously proposing a change in the city in conjunction with the program developed from the national level since 2003. I speak of challenge, and that comes with an excellent background, not only in pre-election polls, but also by factors of the national situation and the deterioration of the capital. In such a way, perhaps the only chance to settle in the capital Buenos Aires as a government, and resulted in the Peronist terminology we should say now or never.

Martin Szulman. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pokemon Ruby And Sapphire Pinball Rom

karaokística Wonderful piece created by M conflict after a night of partying shared. Perraca, without you (and you too) I am a slut!

(video of the song-only melody, to optimize the karaoke-with photos of the scene posporno, you find it on the blog of M, that keeps me hanging on this bug). Here is the Letraz:

Without you I am a fellow, I run cascade

Your world is small and my friends do not get bored nothing
used to think that love is not real
A bubble that always ends
And now I'm without you sow

No you I am very bad
Without you biting the pillow I enjoy lying in bed

Looking postporn
straws and making me love to love and stop mourn
Now my life is much more varied

The days that pass, the morning light
Your beard, your body, your voice, and do not take anything
Because I ... without you I sow

I choose to be rare nights partying
the herd step in
I laughed out loud with a huge smile on his face
I'm just an actor who wrote the script
because yours were just words Not

The days that pass, the lights of dawn
Your beard, your body, your voice, and do not take anything
That I would not, not
see your face again bitch By becoming
While everything changes
Because I ... without you I sow

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Air Brake Button Flight Simulator

Grande Virginia! Feminist

"... as you will use the means provided by his position - coalitions, symposia, campaigns, great names and all those government measures that their wealth and political influence place at your hands we, that we will remain strange, do experiments. "
Virginia Woolf. Three Guineas.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rebel Xti Firmware Hacks

the streets! Because all were in the chapel!

After the powerful and courageous action in the chapel FEMINIST Somosaguas, criticisms to machismo and homo-lesbo-transphobia inherent in the institutional church, women's movements have begun to deploy a range of actions to denounce the presence of the college chapels, patriarchy across all areas of our life and the criminalization of those who were in action.
Here one of them. Call for concentration in Madrid (and in many other cities of the State) on 2 April, 1200 in Opera, and communicated. And do not forget to enter the blog " no boobs no chapel!"

Rename the world from us

Madrid feminist movement take the street back to say: Enough! Enough of machismo, sexism and homophobia! Enough to control our bodies! Enough already protected by the state institutions that perpetuate the patriarchal system! Enough to criminalize and persecute women and lesbians on March 10, shouted the same "enough!" In the Chapel of Somosaguas!

live in a society in which Catholic values \u200b\u200bin a cross-cutting social and political life to permeate our everyday lives. The Catholic Church presents itself as an institution that stands as a universal subject to the stereotype of white male, heterosexual, and to obscure not only subjected to white women, Western and heterosexual, but also a multiplicity of identities as lesbian, transsexual, transgender, ethnic backgrounds, intersex and so on.

Proof of this is the sexist language used in the news, published in the wake of the events, we are invisible again, as this action emerged and developed spontaneously, only and exclusively by women and / or lesbians.

The framework of action was to go in procession to the chapel of Somosaguas symbolizing the submissive role is given to women from the church, which runs through our Western culture, even without being believers. The fact that the purple tissue was present in our action was a way of claiming it as a feminist. Arriving at the chapel the group entered a non-violent, without directly attacking the people who were inside. They made a circle of women and / or lesbian and read a statement explaining how the church operates as an institution enacting and hetero-sexist values. Below, we quote phrases from institutions and figures intimately connected with the church that sentence and criminalize our bodies. After reading most decided there undress from the waist up showing the message that we had written on our chests, with the intention of claiming the re-appropriation of our bodies and the identity of each. At that time, including feminist slogans and slogans, some women began to make visible the lesbian kissing and claiming a free sexuality. Finally, we left the chapel without causing any damage.

After the above, consider that:
• By entering into a chapel and not any other religious space should be to our Judeo-Christian cultural tradition and not Muslim, Hindu or otherwise, for not appropriating realities that are beyond our experience. While we strive in our reality, will always support any initiative undertaken feminist from other identities and cultures.

• You can not build a new society, different, not hetero, not innovate in their ways and their language. Only by breaking the established patterns we can create new ones that allow us to rename the world from us.
For the re-appropriation of our bodies! For a feminist and secular society!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Chain Pokemon In Soul Silver

Colombia and diversity ...

Phew ... I go to Colombia shortly. Keep you informed ... Meanwhile, I leave you this cool video (via Free Marikarmen : how great you are, joiaporcula:)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Jc Penny Hair Salon Prices

Complaints against the State Human Rights Commission

Diversities Cohesion Organizations for Sustainability (CODIS), Strollers Blanks and colleagues presented 100 complaints to the Human Rights Commission (CEDHJ) against the Ombudsman, Felipe de Jesus Alvarez Cibrian. According to Rodrigo Rincon, a member of CODIS, the complaint-divided into eight points, "says the lack of transparency of the agency accountable, no or delayed response to complaints filed by groups of civilians and the absence of public policy proposals aimed at the inclusion, among other things.

addition, organizations such as CODIS Dude, try the Citizen's Council, a body that integrates CEDHJ, to rule on these concerns and also issued a statement. The president of the Human Rights Commission Jalisco (CEDHJ), Felipe de Jesus Alvarez, said, in his fourth report of activities the Commission has received 39 000 678 complaints, an increase of 300% compared to other administrations. He stressed the resolution of 11 000 124 complaints in 2010.

Justice Center for Peace and Development (Cepad), ignored the Human Rights Commission of Jalisco (CEDHJ) as a instance, defends and protects the rights of citizens in the area. Francisco Macias Medina, head of the executive management of Cepad, CEDHJ argues that abandonment is an institution that no longer responds to the purpose for which it was created.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sample Wording For Wedding Program Thank You


DOCTOR RUTH COOPER: Well, we're talking paranoid schizophrenic reaction type, combined with a deep depression and a high propensity to trigger actions destructive.

VALERIE: I'm not sick.

DOCTOR RUTH COOPER: You're very sick, Valerie. That does not mean you're a woman unique and talented.

VALERIE: But that is not a disease. Again. My state is not a disease state. It is rather a state of extreme clairvoyance, in a surgical intensive white light thrown on all the words and objects and bodies and identities. Only a stroke in the water or a scream away from you, Doctor Cooper, everything looks different. Your presumptive diagnosis is an accurate description of a woman's place in the system of mass psychosis. Schizophrenia, paranoia, depression and the propensity for destructive acts. All the girls in patriarchy know that schizophrenia and paranoia and depression are by no means the description of a single disease state. It is the perfect diagnosis and social construction of a state system based on the constant insult to the brain capacity of half the population, based on the violation. "

School of Dreams.
Sara Stridsberg ;

And take the opportunity to leave you the link to the action patriarchal violence that we Saturday in Madrid (shown here below) and Itzi article on the occasion of March 8 (WONDERFUL!).

"Any person who is viewed as a woman, of any condition, origin or provenance, is susceptible to multiple and daily violence, reaching its peak: the murder. But this event is not a isolated event but the result of a long journey that begins with the continuous observation of our bodies as an object of consumption and exploitation continues in the workplace and family.
Any person who is viewed as a woman, of any condition, origin or provenance, is susceptible to multiple and daily violence, violence which digest almost impassively, as the obscene conduct of certain public figures from the worlds of politics or culture, such as rape and femicide who become television shows, such as double or triple shifts because we have to support the reconciliation of work still to do with women and not a priority in times of crisis, or as the alarming feminization of poverty or the irresponsible posting of the question care from the west towards the most disadvantaged areas of the planet.
All this and much more is what kills women, the ones here and outside, which women were diagnosed at birth and no: the economic crisis, ecological crisis, the crisis of care and specific structural violence is daily life of women. Violence on women is not a matter of a few abusers and not a few victims in distress, but something that happens every day in many forms.
Far from falling in victimization or only recognize the role of wolves and lambs, we rise each day of the year against the structural violence is not just symbolic, but also, it is not only economic but also, that not only physical, but also. We rebel against this violence collectively called heteropatriarchy. "

See you at the demo!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rapidlibrary Tawnee Stone

Closet: What is the right time to leave? "Female genital mutilation

This is one of the most important and troubling questions in the life of a person who has a preference to individuals of the same sex and still not admitted to his family, friends and coworkers because they fear discrimination.
A report published in January 2007 by National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, found that 26 percent of gay teens United States, who reveal their sexual preferences have become homeless, they are not accepted within the family. Most of these young people resort to drug use, prostitution or suicide.

Psychologist Carolina Rojas, in an interview with the online news portal of Colombia, known as "El Tiempo", explains that when a homosexual situation reveals its people in his inner circle, is released in a strong emotional charge, also added that the problems of social discrimination and labor can be lessened having family support.

However, coming out also involves risks Albarracín said Mauricio Colombia Diversa, a nonprofit organization founded He believes that people are to reveal their identity, they must first develop a strategy to protect them and prepare for rejection reactions.

Keys to come out

- Evaluate the risks of coming out.

- Do not do to offend other people.

- Choose the appropriate date. Never do it at Easter, Christmas, New Year, birthdays or anniversaries.

- Find allies in your family: cousins, uncles, brothers.

- Create a support network before you tell your parents.

- Looking for positive references in film, literature, arts, politics to counter the negative imagery toward gays and lesbians exist.

- should never come out under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

- Be prepared for your own reaction to the reaction of others.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Resume In A Clothing Store

According to the article "The mutilation genital mutilation: culturally condicionado1 crime "by M. Elena Torres Fernandez de la Universidad de Almería, FGM is the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to the same organs for cultural or religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. Ablation involves a series of practices reaching all the deletion of all or part of the external genitalia and cause permanent health problems and those who suffer from irreversible, although under this name are grouped a set of heterogeneous activities of varying scope in women's health. Today is a genital mutilation reality that affects over 135 million women worldwide, and are subject to an estimated 2 million children and adolescents each year.
In other text, the issue of female genital mutilation is a practice that stands as an obstacle in the context of controlling their own sexuality and the recognition of equal freedom of women and the male, in the exercise thereof and rights to sexual and reproductive health, so in the Beijing Declaration and Beijing Platform for Action of 1995 in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, and the UN International Conference on Population and Development, 1994 Action oriented perspective, from which addresses the issue of mutilation by the World Health Organization as an aspect of right women and girls, has the highest standard of health in a broad concept that is linked to the full enjoyment of their sexual and reproductive rights.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Plastic Pants For Nappies

Afraid of the prostate exam?

In Mexico, Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men and it is estimated that each year more than 4 000 men, but even so, men are reluctant to go to Palpate them for fear of losing masculinity, so said Dr. Mauricio Cantellano, urologist attached to the Hospital Manuel Gea González.

About 60 percent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed while still localized (confined to the prostate). The average five-year survival for men diagnosed with prostate cancer at this stage is 100 percent.

In past 20 years, the median survival for all stages of prostate cancer has increased with early detection and treatment, this according to the American Cancer Society website at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

Generally, prostate cancer has no specific signs or symptoms in the early stages, so it is very important to have screening exams. The annual physical examination, blood test to detect prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination, offer the best chance of identifying prostate cancer in its earliest stages. Some of the symptoms that occur in prostate cancer are:

· Flow weak or interrupted urine.
· Frequent urination (especially at night).
· difficulty urinating or holding back urine.
· inability to urinate.
· Pain or burning sensation when urinating.
· Blood in urine or semen.
· persistent back pain, hip or pelvis.
· difficulty having an erection.

face a cancer diagnosis, the patient and the environment are deeply affected. Perhaps out of ignorance tend to think and expect the worst. But the truth is that if more researchers account, our reaction might be different and more positive.

Dr. Alfredo Alatorre: What is cancer? Answers to frequently asked questions.
What is cancer?, Answers to frequently asked questions is a work which, from basic elements and using simple language, tries to respond and share your most pressing questions surrounding this disease, what happens in a organism with cancer, how many cancers are, how to prevent it, how to interpret a cancer diagnosis?, what chance has on patient survival?, what is the treatment of cancer? The book addresses these and many other questions which, incidentally, do not leave out key issues such as the patient's psychological reactions with cancer and the treatment to be received from the family.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bamboo Beach Arch Sale

Human Rights Day

Human rights are based on human dignity. Therefore every human being regardless of age, religion, sex or social status, enjoy them. Are the powers, privileges and freedoms that a person by the simple fact of being, without which you can not live as such.

Three years later World War II, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the General Assembly squeezed that respect for human rights and dignity of the human person "are the foundation for freedom, justice and peace in the world."

In 1950 the General Assembly invited all Member States and interested organizations to observe 10 December each year as Human Rights Day.

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL The former president of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Rubén Moreira Valdez said that in Mexico, we live in a black six years because the drug war undertaken by the government of President Felipe Calderon were not respected individual rights.

require an investigation to determine the causes of more than 32 thousand dead, many of them innocent and you have to claim lack of respect for migrants and does not protect journalists, because this is the country most at risk in the exercise of their profession. Moreira said that our country, is a serious stain on violation of human rights of Central Americans and migrants, human rights defenders of human rights.

In an interview the president of the National Human Rights Commission, Raul Plascencia said that the country is in a harsh environment for human rights, so that the entire population is at risk of violation of its safeguards fundamental situation have also had thousands of women in Mexico, occupies first place in the world ranking of violent deaths of women in countries not at war, according to the Centro Reina Sofia, which evaluated 135 countries, said Ana Güezmes, regional director of the Development Fund of the United Nations for Women. according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography in Mexico, 67 of every 100 women aged 15 and over have experienced an incident of violence, either in partnership or in community, work, family or