Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How To Make A Homemade Coin

Change America, Change the Country ... To Change the City! Penguin Heart

In recent years, live in Latin America in general and in particular country, a social, political, economic and cultural. That change is reflected in the will of the people wanting to build a new destination, a new path.
Having failed neoliberal socioeconomic model, the peoples of these lands began to build a new collective consciousness that involved a real and profound change. Countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Paraguay began to reflect the desire to change almost simultaneously. This desire to become in and out, was creating a new regional identity, with strong bases not only in cultural but also political, economic, social and institutional. It is perhaps the decade of the awakening of our continent, and that is why we must expand and take in all sectors and corners of the continent.
In the Argentina, this transformation was knocking very strong power structures that historically resisted change, the wills and interests of the people. Today, 2011, we have the chance of a serious transformation, profound and qualitative perhaps one of the last traditional bastions of conservatism: la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
La Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que fielmente ha sido a lo largo de su historia fuertemente de derecha en su conjunto, parece hoy querer mutar su sentir y espíritu colectivo. Este contexto viene acompañado de dos factores rápidamente distinguibles: el fracaso del modelo macrista que ha llevado a la debacle de la ciudad, y por el otro lado un proyecto nacional que ha logrado incluir a los sectores medios que simpatizan con éste a raíz de una inmejorable situación económica de la cual se los incluye dentro ésta y en el que encuentran elementos culturales y de interés que los identifican. Gran parte de esta clase media que todos los manuales History has taught us that it is unpopular, anti-Peronist, right and individualistic, that has moved only when its interests, particularly economic, have been touched, he found a field of expression, discussion and sympathy as is "6-7 - 8 " and has successfully organized and self-summoned to fill the Plaza de Mayo in defense of popular government, Peronist and progressive. Has certainly kicked any of these manuals.
is why, in view of this unique situation along our history, the Baldwin Brothers presented to the great opportunity to realize all that call, organization and desire for change and expression, the installation of self-government that can articulate the City, the Province and the nation to further change background started.
Against such backdrop, the Baldwin Brothers presented itself on three sides: Daniel Filmus, Carlos Tomada and Amado Boudou. Like any decision implies the involvement of non-random values, in my opinion, I think Daniel Filmus is who is better able to carry out the transformation in the so devastated city of Buenos Aires. Filmus, a candidate which he can be considered and installed, it comes hand in hand to dispute the Head of Government in the last election to Mauricio Macri. On the other hand, Filmus is who can line up as many forces that make up the structure of the Front for Victory. On this side, it would be very interesting to the participation of sectors such as the New Meeting or the Solidarity Party (PSOL), which you can make an immense contribution to the project, with the likes of Gabriela Cerruti, Carlos Heller and Vilma Ibarra and others.
At the same time, I think that both Carlos Tomada and Amado Boudou, very good staff, which has been demonstrated over its functions, but they are not political cadres as if it is Filmus, and I think they would make a better and greater contribution to the National Project from its place officials.
On the sidewalk in front, the ruling party in the city-the-macrismo is faced with their own waste, a product of bad management that seems to Mauricio Macri force to retake the city, giving up his presidential aspirations and running back-and far-to the President in the polls. This wear is clearly seen when one looks back on his failed government: the power of the task force of the UCEP, wiretapping, the appointment of Fino Palacios, the only district in the country which raised the infant mortality rate, repression of cardboard in Belgrano and street vendors in Liniers, failure of the Metropolitan Police edilicia crisis, no budget execution, and destruction of public health education, conflict with the Teatro Colon. At this juncture, in principle, the PRO has an internal candidate and Horacio Rodríguez Gabriela Michetti Larreta, but who runs with greater advantage in the polls is former deputy chief of government. At the same time the electoral offers a third possible (and increasingly likely) candidate, Fernando "Pino" Solanas.
In this sense, Kirchner has a very big challenge which I shall deal with intelligence, seriously proposing a change in the city in conjunction with the program developed from the national level since 2003. I speak of challenge, and that comes with an excellent background, not only in pre-election polls, but also by factors of the national situation and the deterioration of the capital. In such a way, perhaps the only chance to settle in the capital Buenos Aires as a government, and resulted in the Peronist terminology we should say now or never.

Martin Szulman. Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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