Monday, March 28, 2011

Rebel Xti Firmware Hacks

the streets! Because all were in the chapel!

After the powerful and courageous action in the chapel FEMINIST Somosaguas, criticisms to machismo and homo-lesbo-transphobia inherent in the institutional church, women's movements have begun to deploy a range of actions to denounce the presence of the college chapels, patriarchy across all areas of our life and the criminalization of those who were in action.
Here one of them. Call for concentration in Madrid (and in many other cities of the State) on 2 April, 1200 in Opera, and communicated. And do not forget to enter the blog " no boobs no chapel!"

Rename the world from us

Madrid feminist movement take the street back to say: Enough! Enough of machismo, sexism and homophobia! Enough to control our bodies! Enough already protected by the state institutions that perpetuate the patriarchal system! Enough to criminalize and persecute women and lesbians on March 10, shouted the same "enough!" In the Chapel of Somosaguas!

live in a society in which Catholic values \u200b\u200bin a cross-cutting social and political life to permeate our everyday lives. The Catholic Church presents itself as an institution that stands as a universal subject to the stereotype of white male, heterosexual, and to obscure not only subjected to white women, Western and heterosexual, but also a multiplicity of identities as lesbian, transsexual, transgender, ethnic backgrounds, intersex and so on.

Proof of this is the sexist language used in the news, published in the wake of the events, we are invisible again, as this action emerged and developed spontaneously, only and exclusively by women and / or lesbians.

The framework of action was to go in procession to the chapel of Somosaguas symbolizing the submissive role is given to women from the church, which runs through our Western culture, even without being believers. The fact that the purple tissue was present in our action was a way of claiming it as a feminist. Arriving at the chapel the group entered a non-violent, without directly attacking the people who were inside. They made a circle of women and / or lesbian and read a statement explaining how the church operates as an institution enacting and hetero-sexist values. Below, we quote phrases from institutions and figures intimately connected with the church that sentence and criminalize our bodies. After reading most decided there undress from the waist up showing the message that we had written on our chests, with the intention of claiming the re-appropriation of our bodies and the identity of each. At that time, including feminist slogans and slogans, some women began to make visible the lesbian kissing and claiming a free sexuality. Finally, we left the chapel without causing any damage.

After the above, consider that:
• By entering into a chapel and not any other religious space should be to our Judeo-Christian cultural tradition and not Muslim, Hindu or otherwise, for not appropriating realities that are beyond our experience. While we strive in our reality, will always support any initiative undertaken feminist from other identities and cultures.

• You can not build a new society, different, not hetero, not innovate in their ways and their language. Only by breaking the established patterns we can create new ones that allow us to rename the world from us.
For the re-appropriation of our bodies! For a feminist and secular society!


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