Monday, February 28, 2011

Resume In A Clothing Store

According to the article "The mutilation genital mutilation: culturally condicionado1 crime "by M. Elena Torres Fernandez de la Universidad de Almería, FGM is the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to the same organs for cultural or religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. Ablation involves a series of practices reaching all the deletion of all or part of the external genitalia and cause permanent health problems and those who suffer from irreversible, although under this name are grouped a set of heterogeneous activities of varying scope in women's health. Today is a genital mutilation reality that affects over 135 million women worldwide, and are subject to an estimated 2 million children and adolescents each year.
In other text, the issue of female genital mutilation is a practice that stands as an obstacle in the context of controlling their own sexuality and the recognition of equal freedom of women and the male, in the exercise thereof and rights to sexual and reproductive health, so in the Beijing Declaration and Beijing Platform for Action of 1995 in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, and the UN International Conference on Population and Development, 1994 Action oriented perspective, from which addresses the issue of mutilation by the World Health Organization as an aspect of right women and girls, has the highest standard of health in a broad concept that is linked to the full enjoyment of their sexual and reproductive rights.


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