Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Vulnerable Students gays

Based on the results of the First National Survey on Exclusion, Intolerance and Violence Schools in School Education, for 2007-2008, a large percentage of students at this level discrimination.

Of the 104 students surveyed 13 000 men and women aged 15 to 19 years, sub-federal, state and self-employed in Mexico, 54.0 percent said colleagues rejected AIDS patients, 52.8 percent to non-heterosexuals, and 51.1 percent for those with disabilities.

This survey, conducted at the request of the Secretariat of Public Education revealed that men are more violent than women are insulted, ignored, white and rejected offensive nicknames. However, women who reported higher rates of stress and depression.

Read full story in emeequis

After being expelled for his homosexuality by Violeta Oliva Cornelius, director of the College of Bachelors # 39, Carlos Williams is strung on 22 November the doors of the place and began a hunger strike, which lasted for 12 days.

According to statements Carlos Williams gave NotieSe during their protest homophobic attitudes by the director, who believed that homosexuality of the young "was not good image to the institution," were the ones producing that Charles decided to complain and ask, among other things, the dismissal of Oliva Cornelius as head of campus.

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Living with HIV / AIDS

AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is a sexually transmitted infection or STI, caused by HIV or human immunodeficiency syndrome. It is characterized by a progressive decrease in the body's defenses thus exposed to opportunistic infections and some cancers, this according to information from the State Council for AIDS Prevention (EOCs).

How do you know if you are living with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases?
Some of the symptoms that could indicate an STI are:
urethral -flow, yellow, green or brown smelly.
-Sores on genitals, anus or mouth region.
-abdominal pain low.
-Inflammation of the scrotum.
-accumulation of pus in a pouch in English.
-warts may also occur, blistering, itching, burning or pain in the genitals, as well as frequent urination with pain.

According to UNAIDS statistics, the world's 33.4 million people living with HIV and AIDS. According to the head of the Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, it had recorded 141,356 cases accumulated up to June this year, of which 57% are men who have sex with persons of the same sex. The official said that the total number of cases over 48 thousand people are living, about 81 thousand have died and it was not changing long around 11 thousand people.

You can hear the audio
program here

Driving: Daniel Badillo
Production: Alejandra Cervantes
Specialists invited : Juan Carlos Mendoza González, Psychologist civil partnership "Vallarta Confronts AIDS" (VES).
sociologist and coordinator of the BA in Sociology in the University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities, Alfredo Chavez Rico.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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People usually and mistakenly known as hermaphrodites are really intersexed.

According to Solidarity Petition Intersex "is a reference intersex individuals born with an intermediate sex between what society has called men and women. It is not a disease but a variation of the human body, equivalent to eye color, hair or nose size.

Define intersex as a medical condition is very dangerous trap for the community intersexual because it reinforces the need to treat and "cure." Being intersex or intergender must be an existential possibility among others, to deconstruct the heterosexist binary system that oppresses us all.
According Luis Perelman, of the Mexican Federation of Sexual Education and Sexology, one of every 3 thousand people born with this condition. On November 8, 1838, in France, was born one of the first cases of intersex condition: Herculine Barbin.

At birth, defined as female. During puberty, did not develop breasts, and menstruation had not shaved for several body parts. As an adult, he discovered "had a small vagina, a masculine body, a small penis and testicles inside the body. Later issued a legal determination that "was then a boy, so he changed his name. He committed suicide leaving written his memoirs.

The Petition of Solidarity with the Intersex, indicates that, as a person, the intersex individual is entitled to decide on their genitals, identity and decide whether or not to undergo treatment on a voluntary basis. "

It "calls for recognition of intersex as a natural part of humanity that has been censored because of the sexism prevalent in society." The paper mentions one of the most serious problems faced by intersex people, the process of acceptance. This is a case in which social constructs gender roles and the possibility of different identities and sexual orientation play a role. Driving

: Dr. Guadalupe Ramos
Production: Alejandra Cervantes
Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo
Specialists invited: Sexologist, Oscar Chavez Lanz, founder of several national associations in defense of sexual rights member of the Mexican Federation of Sexual Education and Sexology (FEMESS).
Sociologist, Rosa María Gómez Laguna, member d eLsbianas in AC Patlatonalli

can listen to the audio of this program here:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Intersex International Day Against Violence Against Women Not

CMDH The states that are 278 municipalities in Mexico who have the highest rates of violence against women. country's institutions report the largest number of cases are the State of Mexico, Guerrero and Oaxaca.

The National Women's Institute alert in Mexico, 7 in 10 women over 15 have had at least once, domestic violence, by their partners or family, community, work or school. And 4 out of 10, have been victims of violence in community spaces throughout his life.

For its part, the Special Prosecutor for Crimes of Violence against Women of the PGR says that on average, die every day in Mexico intentional killing six women, four of murder and two suicides, and that these, an average of 41% percent were recorded in their own homes.

According to the study Overview of Violence against Women in Mexico among the indigenous population, customs and practices affect hundreds of women who, after being sexually abused, are delivered to their attackers in exchange for livestock or a few bottles of aguardiente.
In urban areas, detail, asesina a sus Mujeres are husbands subjected to various forms of physical violence, as empujones, sprains, puñetazos, kicking and biting.

Driving: Guadalupe Ramos, Adrian Marshall and Daniel Badillo

Production: and Operation: Alejandra Cervantes

Production Assistant: Lucia Castillo

Specialists invited: Doctor, Ismael Nuño Arana, Research Professor of the Centro Universitario de la Cienega, a specialist in Physical and Cultural Anthropology .

Maestra Patricia Bedolla Zamora, Deputy of the Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of Human Rights of Women in Mexico.

Degree Sociology, Ángeles González, Head of the Gender Studies Program at the University of Guadalajara.

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gradual increase of women with AIDS in Mexico

In Mexico there is a gradual increase and permanent the proportion of women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In 1987 there were 23 men to every woman infected and in 2008 the ratio was five to one.

In an interview, Tamil Kendall, an anthropologist specializing in the problems women and HIV in Mexico and Latin America, notes that the figures point to a dramatic change in the AIDS epidemic in the country.

"Most people are coming to the diagnosis in a deteriorated health status, not HIV, but AIDS," added the specialist.
According to United Nations, in Mexico there are 200 thousand people with HIV, of which an estimated one-fourth are women.

Del total number of people with HIV in the country, only between 40 and 50 000 are on treatment, as most know their diagnosis.

Source: CIMAC

Record Vs Reason Difference

women of Juarez live in a state of emergency

The murders of women in Ciudad Juárez are increasing every day in October 47 murders were committed, historical figure that exceeds that of September, when there were 44 victims, according to the Red Mesa Association of Women in Ciudad Juárez.

Marrufo Imelda Nava, director of the institution, said in Chihuahua, women live in a state of emergency, especially with the impunity that prevails in the crimes committed.
recalled that a few days before the first anniversary of the ruling that the Mexican government received from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CoIDH) for For "Cotton Field" has not been fully implemented, which will pay to eradicate violence against women and that not only meets the government of Chihuahua but the Mexican State.

documented in 2008 killed 87 women, for 2009, 164, while from January to November 3, 2010, the figure is 271 victims of intentional killings committed against women.

Incháustegui Rep. Teresa Romero, of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), President of the Special Commission on Femicide, said nearly a year after the sentence was issued, local governments, state and federal levels continue talking about distribution of powers, "which ultimately are inefficiencies, and that each person is declared incompetent to comply with the ruling.

This is urgent, he said, because in Ciudad Juárez is no law, no state, only violence, a sadly disappointing balance, "it seems that there are naturally letter to violence femicide ".

Source: CIMAC

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A California county judge chooses the first transsexual

Judge Victoria Kolakowski has become the first transsexual in the United States in front of a court in one county in California.
Kolakowski, 49, beat his rival John Creigton, with 51% of the votes against 48 for his opponent.

The new judge has more than 21 years of experience in advocacy and working so far in the Public Utilities Commission of California.
Kolakowski underwent a sex change operation in 1991 and subsequently married in 2008 with his partner when the state Supreme Court allowed the marriage between same sex.

Kolakowski is the arbiter of Alameda County, a county with 1.5 million inhabitants, for the next six years.

During his campaign, the newly elected judge said he was not seeking to become the "judge transsexual" but that his election would be "transformational", reviewed California state media.

Source: EFE

Friday, December 3, 2010

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lesbian feminist movement in Latin America and Caribbean Story

How interesting! And what a great pleasure rethink feminism, how we go through and how we go through ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sketchbook Vs Painter

Because I, a mestiza,
Continually walk out of one culture
and Into Another,
Because I am in all cultures at the Same time,
soul between two worlds, three, four,
rings in my mind with the contradictory.
I been guided by all the voices that speak to me

                                                 ... Gloria Anzaldúa ...