Friday, December 4, 2009

How Does A Scorpio Guy Kiss

Ensuring arms against the symbols

(*) The advantage of a news comment expired is having to gut its tendency, under penalty of talking about a dead body. This only applies when the news has not been repaid, or when it is not an isolated event. And it happens when it belongs to a genre, in this case of religions, beliefs and public realm.

The thing happened a few weeks ago. A judge, situated by the media and popular belief in the moral vanguard of a society, ejected from the room to a Muslim lawyer to bring a scarf covering her head in the exercise of its function. The question is under what it does as it does in the name of secularism, ie a set of rules and customs in force and socially accepted and practiced, as in France. But secularism is no state religion in Spain. So do not shed as lay representative because it can not refer to any standard adopted by reason, not faith circumstantial. Instead, break: the judge is an example of paganism in her country over religion and state, so much part of the success of the Catholic Church was founded on its adaptation to the pagan. The pagan knows that the boundary between public and private is not physically or is in the function of each one, since one in the square can not be separated in modern life, but is an unstable equilibrium between mobile areas governed only by the respect and doubt. The substitution rule, respect and belief and doubt personal taxation, however it is shared, it is idolatry to tribal values \u200b\u200band grass of confusion, which is rampant power. In addition to that idolatry is very variable fidelity, depending on the returns offered by the idol at all times. Hence, the judge's decision is not a battle in a war of symbols but a symbol of a war between tribes, however latent that is the modern comfort. The village community seen as supplementary to secularism back and pretending to act on their behalf.

What the judge is to ensure the symbol of feudal surveillance handkerchief in which only the fittest requires a community to another and exclude the vanquished. The ritual of the judge's decision is magical because only he can know the reason and process, leaving only decode interpretation necessarily random. The propagandists of the new dogma makes any discussion about it an article of faith, excluding the opposite reason: Marc Carrillo concludes his article The crucifix travels to Strasbourg with a succinct statement that cancels its previous arguments In short, this trip to Strasbourg crucifix better settle the foundations of a free society Taliban every kind and condition. Hell is always the others. What begins as an argument in his article really becomes a flawless, and as such is suspected of being a lie hidden. Whether or unappealing contrast is not supported and, therefore, right.

Instead, the source is more worthy of attention: the Case of the European Court of Human Rights, November 3, 2009, on the case against Italy Lautsi , whereby Italian State has been condemned for moral damages regarding the display of the crucifix in a public school. In the end, a substitution occurs only visible symbols, and thus recognized and challenged, by other invisible and harder to identify and combat. The right not to believe in any religion that case the statement must include the idols, as she herself admits to extend that freedom to practices and symbols that express a belief, religion or atheism .

(*) Published in Nickjournal, November 19, 2009.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Erratic Heartbeat Cliparts

no circumstances face

Robert Bergman, Untitled, 1993 and 1989.

(*) These guys do not have paints have managed to find out what he could do his great country for them, not even habérselo raised. Nor are entirely responsible for his face, so could not do for your country rather than put it aside, foreign evidence, as well as themselves.

The eyes of women and men are so stark and anonymous as the photographer. This demonstrates their intention to go directly to the characters (no character from the moment that is publicly exposed picture) by failing to identify subjects by not naming a title or give a clue to his whereabouts or where they were taken. Even the only brand of the photos, the year is not just a personal appeal to order, without altering the other news so that give these faces: its constancy over time. Stripped of name, time, place and social status, are out of history and therefore free to show what they are and even where they have arrived. (The reason why only know them and the interpretation by the viewer). No caption give more standing to speak about them. Thus, particularly left free to the viewer, alone with his own references and giving held view. Without information and history are not categories, both the types and their watchers are accidental. Trackless social, personal face appears. Not testify to anything but themselves, so the viewer does not have to be a prosecution witness, only voyeur. Not recognizing them, recognize them for what they are and we, ordinary people, above individuals, too.

The fact that the picture is limited to the face (or half-length, in other cases) deliberately concealing any other personal item or environment, becomes the hardships that shows each expression into something personal, liberating them from any interpretation the use of poverty. The intentional color saturation of the photos is a more introspective expressionism, a mirror more than a showcase. By focusing on the expressive face and the subject is central, not marginal. Photographer's emphasis on loss, grief or harm that reflect those faces is a way of restoring the circumstances personality-neutral and irrelevant to the viewer, are removed.

series Americans Robert Frank marked the beginning of Bergman's career, which continued as a command standard Frank that the artist must have a personal vision based on the feeling and intuition. However, this emphasis on private does not prevent an implicit documentary about the country that helped produce those faces. The choice of marginal characters as protagonists, and the expressive use of color film prove this result, although not the intention of the photographer.

( * ) Posted on October 26, 2009 Nickjournal

Friday, October 30, 2009

Humpty Dumpty Chips Online Sales


Juan Muñoz: Last Conversation Piece (1994-1995), Hirshhorn Museum

(*) Journalism, politics and history share an attraction to lie as a raw material of their respective genres. The fascination lies beyond their moral condition and is attached to its scandalous nature. Attracts a provider need imagination, but it does not take effect until it gets deny the facts, de-do them. The success of the lie need of repetition, which has pretensions of mantra, liberation of thought that confuses the mind and the tedium of reality that overwhelms the lives of men. His record is like a prayer, an invocation to some deity appealed to avoid its contrast with the facts. Dither

stories with lies as a tissue has the potential of the arts, whose works are a failure and are unlikely when folded to the facts. In The Decay of Lying a treaty paradoxical about it, Oscar Wilde said that "it is an inescapable duty to try the renovation of the old art of Lying." It does not refer to lying utilitarian practice of parents in the education of children or politicians in the management of the masses to tame both generations, but "the only form of lying is absolutely beyond reproach, the lie for lie, [the] highest manifestation is the Lie in Art "

The modern political lie is not to miss what was promised or betraying a pact, practices whose morality is more than repaid, but in making an illusion that goes beyond the facts of the flat really sad disrepute. Word and loyal demand too much time to check its validity and become burdens to a policy whose success depends on the repetition of images and instant messages, so ephemeral and replaceable by others of the same nature. The dual representation consisting of political, theatrical and formal delegation of power to the voters, you need a scenario where lying is a more of the actors and appeal of fiction.

Only in those countries of Protestant culture, where lying is a sin, lying is religious policy and can incapacitate the author for betraying the public conduct that is expected of him. Coincides with the public lie that sin does not prescribe and the indelible character increases his legend. Both need of forgiveness for redemption, but not to be forgotten. However, it differs in that its opposite is not true (virtue), but the fact. Clinton's initial lies about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky and Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick accident break the exemplary character attributed to the public but also unleash their human legend. Moral fiction is replaced by popular fiction. In the public lie, discovered by the media and fervently awaited by the viewers, there is a secular power and liberating character of the libretto but the process of accusation and redemption through confession is religious. The object is to restore both the fact and the return to the fold. The same messenger who exploits his deceptions, journalism, is responsible for recovering and enthrone the event, amid the stories being invented as a futile attempt to breach the public but useful food.

The lie is different from crime in its force and its difficulty to be encoded, thus exempted from the law and the extent of time. Lying about the past is no escape but for the future do discredit the accused, since it is not rebutted. That is the utility of the indictment of Senator Joe Wilson Obama and that makes the weakest point of his speech on health care reform before Congress when the president promises that illegal immigrants have no guaranteed health care (not provided) by the government. The senator added two notes to increase the power of the indictment: describes his act of "spontaneous", associating it with sincerity that is often attributed to intuition, and his apology is personal, and not to the president before Congress, avoiding Temple could accuse himself a liar. Wilson is a craftsman of the lie.

(These lowlands goes without saying that this does not have many overtones of being true)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Waterproofing Paint Shoes

lying Ruinas

(Robert Polidori, Auditorium in school # 5, Pripyat, 2001, series on Chernobyl)

(*) was television, from 1946, the butler humanism topped by a shot, since he already lived a period of grace, granted by the magical aura of the book: an extension of their inability to transgress anthropocentric sense of the nature of man, just wondering about its essence. Understanding humanism as a factor of man as rational animal, which is unlimited n but composed only of numbers. His executioner began as the radio, since 1918 and World War I as the first scene of rubble, but the voice was not strong enough: it lacked the image, to replace the written language as a means of emancipation of man but also for the domestication of and organizing mass societies. Bourgeois humanism was an idealist and emancipatory project led through the school, thus domesticating. His faith in the book is, however, inheritance of the ancient world. World War II put an end to the function in a derelict theater in which eminent humanists like Márai Zweig and held the office of the dead. In your case on your behalf, with all the dignity of his literary and personal trajectories and the consistency of their suicides, punctual, almost prescient, the Zweig.
[...] After I left and I felt embarrassed in front of the old woman and good woman who, in a naïve and yet truly human, had been faithful to the memory of the deceased. For her, the woman with no education, at least he kept the book to remember it better. I, however, Mendel I had forgotten the books for years. Just me, I should know that books are only written for, above their own breath, uniting human beings, and thus defend against the relentless back of all existence: the transience and forgetting. (Mendel books, Stefan Zweig)
The coroner of the death of humanism was Heidegger who could see its limitation as a subordinate of language: "If a man must one day reach the vicinity of being, it is necessary first learn to exist in what has no name "(Letter on Humanism ). On the ruins of two world wars and two European genocide, enter Charter in 1946, published a year later. This arises from the question that makes her young admirer, Jean Beaufret: How again give meaning to the term humanism? In response, Heidegger does not yield to the proposed resurrection, imputing to question the intention of retaining the term: "I wonder if required. "The tragedy involving such labels is not yet evident enough?" Disgrace which attributes the origin and the type of advertising effect term (-ism) and, therefore, in neutralizing power of thinking about the substance of man, as the language that essentially wraps and advertising is their way of mass dissemination. Heidegger wide shot and directed against the ideas of Sartre Existentialism Is a Humanism? , whose first version was published shortly before, in 1945.

In turn, recognition and response to Heidegger come together to Sloterdijk, who defines humanism in Standards for Human Park as "telecommunications founder of friendships made in the medium of written language . That since the time of Cicero come humanitas naming is (...) one of the consequences of literacy. (...) At the core of humanism and understood discover a sectarian or club fantasy: the dream of a predestined solidarity among those select few who can read "

Today, as happens in hiding the philosophical debate (so secret that danger of slipping into the Kabbalah), the match between the remains of humanism and ruptured by an ontology that calls to ask about the essence of man, the new barbarians and courteous imposed amid cries of confusion. Circus star in both the stands and the old position of Caesar, field by aggressively brandishing our respect and humanistic values \u200b\u200bsuch as old peace with the gall and arrogance of those who know the judge, parties and court of appeal. Will be a long while, Marx in the historical sense, but despairing of the revolution that began Wittgenstein and Heidegger. Since subjects will manufacture the concert of Havana domineering communion achieves both mass and appropriates the symbol-the Plaza of the Revolution, and is organized from the business of power, the alliance between money (a section of Miami ) and dictatorship, with the support of dissidents, which narrows the margin. Against the peace of the barbarians that plague one of the best music that takes time in the making, the Cuban gainsay the only cure for peace possible, thinking and the release of old domains of power of these mercenaries. Given the scenario, it misses the illustrious humanism.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dental Hygienist Tattoo

humanism "Democratic House?

(*) No MP but the photo of William Eggleston , or at least the title of the retrospective exhibition of his work takes place at the Corcoran Gallery . The democratic character comes from its work plan, based to address both issues as objects with absolute "equality", ie, neutrality and the same care and technique for them. Neutrality is characterized by its subordination to the environment and is intended to reflect prior and external to the photographer and thus owned and reconocibl and for all. Hence the picture is not engaged or, rather, that in the few that makes the fig ture and faces are common objects in that landscape, as interchangeable as the main street, the diners, shops and everyday scenes of people it portrays. For the portrait, especially the power, already Richard Avedon.

sign in daily life as democratic, equalizing factor of the characters, places, objects, advertisements and symbols that make it up, where it develops Eggleston. Common sight everyday as two generations, their contemporaries, and so constant that is tradition. It is no coincidence that declared his lack of interest in Elvis Presley, once it has completed the commissioning of the Rolling Stone magazine
about her figure, but instead portrays furniture, curtains and mirrors, corners of his house looking for symmetries in which the viewer can recognize the same house and same taste. Kitsch aesthetics equals that of any other house of his countrymen. Democracy also appears on the stability and absence of tragedy and epic that defines the landscape and how (it) is of the everyday. The root of its emphasis on normality and usually is in the images of his childhood and youth, taken from their environment, villages and small towns in Tennessee, Mississippi Delta and the South in general. Soon he wanted a democratic endorsement of his work to find a wider audience, turning to color and definitely enthusiastic, and using a technique (print dye-transfer ) that highlights the colors to get a hyper effect. The strength of color and the urban landscape as a neon sign in the viewer's memory. But these operations are never really as perfect as they are counted and Eggleston knew his work and experience of the public on a common landscape bordered with the same dreams, which are perverted, frustrated or made and individually.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Free Brent Corrigan And Brent Everett

A clown in the parking lot of a motel

(*) August 5, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA: At 11 a dark night a clown appears in the motel parking lot at the entrance to Bar Harbor, a small town on the coast of Maine. Appears alone, in silence and in the midst of a solid dark, without moon or streetlights, walking with slow movements and an indifferent course, is limited to roam the park with a smile as enigmatic as his presence there.

Bar Harbor is located in Acadia National Park at the foot of Mount Cadillac, the pride of the villagers, whose modest 466 meters makes it the highest peak in the U.S. east coast. The coast in the strict sense, since it is on the same sea. In exchange for its low altitude provides a 360 degree panoramic view of the forest and the bare limestone rocks at his feet, the ocean and were-for your property, neighboring islands, as it is in the center of a small peninsula of glacial origin, as its inhabitants. The sunset over the Bay of the French is the height of the holiday program in which tourists head in droves to the top. Tourism is a spontaneously organized, familiar and respectful protocols visitor's own nature, without other ambition than to forget for a while with loss of the natural. There is an information center that collects and reports input paths, scenic views and attractions, but does not interpret the park, more in the habit of Protestant austerity and lack of modernity. A caring volunteer, clothing and aspirations of ranger offers an extensive survey to measure visitor satisfaction. The questionnaire consists of responses rated on and seal for disposal. Completed the evening by the sun on time laconic, peat is removed disciplined to the famous lobster dinner place and walk the four blocks of the town and the port card. The script is repeated subject only to changes of the seasons.

The motel is on the road to the village, on the right and two blocks from the church, close enough to be part of it and far enough away to be motel. It is a modest motel, clean, spacious and dimly lit, with a clear parking, bleak and useful, and a lack of personality that allows you to enjoy anonymity and deal effectively with the record of the night, the two most wanted by users of this type of accommodation.

tourist Only when the procession has been gathered in the village, returning to the surrounding desolation, is the time when the clown appears, hiding more than showing off with a remote display shame over this eccentric look at a place under an order as expected. After a while away and find the clown costume on the counter of the tiny front office. The motel is run by a man and a young woman, closer of marriage partners. The husband looks like jerk peaceful and educated by dealing with tourism, not one of those who cling to his wife when he loses his baseball team. It is the woman who justifies, rather than explained, it is she who has dressed as a clown for testing before the next birthday party your child. Talk of the event with a quiet devotion, without resignation or intention to use it as shelter from inevitable and loved solitude, with a mix of security and knowledge that makes it uniquely your own, impossible to decipher by anyone other than her. While talking maintains the same smile that had the clown away. A short scar on humble mountain runs left side of the face, near the corner of his mouth, making her a warm smile frequent face involuntary complicity with the speaker. The story he tells with such kindness and certainty will not be understood by clarifying the enigma of the principle that the people long ago, where he was born and where not out, is not their jurisdiction. Still living away in it, no intention of leaving, because the mere pretense of doing so would highlight accusations that feels neither wants to do and make him unbearable his autism, forced to play on other decor. At the end of the day, the calm assurance conveyed by this woman can only occur in half so foreign to her as is their people. Her warmth is an invitation to the stranger to be complicit in passing, as she lives. As a mathematical indeterminacy, his figure is only a concept, to narrow results incomprehensible. Not only intended to interpret.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ibm Thinkpad T60 Audio

never check the tires if you go on vacation ... unless you want to convert into a theme park (II)

(*) Summary of published yesterday: Beset by a kind of conjugal towards this blog, a guy has his dubious and unexpected vacation style and no less doubtful in two installments, search much intrigue as the economy, as long as they leave obligations devotion does not anymore. This is the last, in which supplies the final outcome. ●

The bar, curiously, was not deserted. A short and varied fauna, gathered there for the same gritty chance that if they had taken best place they had mistaken for good luck, occupied without enthusiasm but with drinks and snacks stale most of the tables. In one of them, with the corners of the board raised raylite leaving fuels and their faith in the light, sat a pair of black nuns and young people accompanied by a kind of determined look and paints cure in civilian clothes. He looked implacable of those who do not help you climb the trunk to the attic bus line because they think they have a manifest destiny to serve right away with a methodical compulsion to save them the risk of doubt. Were the three stiff as sticks with their cups of coffee sold out and kept a more boring than a contemplative silence, devoid of any plot. In all this pile of data and as the day was thick I could not deduct more than the nuns were not Irish. I parked my insight into another table with the intent to quench with copious and typical dinner while Falco chair leg with a paper napkin folded in eight to prevent the roll might seem obscene. Looking up I found a very neat subject occupying the next table read with devotion and a bound book with pasta old who called himself Manual to learn to type in 3 weeks . He was not wearing horn-rimmed glasses looked like a clerk or psychopath or subjected to any other predictable screenplay, but it was so alien to any place that left the bar more anachronistic than it already was. With gestures and a quick dry and bathed in saliva thumb turned the pages of the manual with a familiarity which showed take more than three weeks devoted to this noble endeavor. He did it with the same delight with which we spend the holidays.

the eve of that page I had started the above with a visit to an exclusive beach of Levante supposedly besieged by a golf course, a country inn and the acidic soil of the sea from the drains of the ships coming to the nearby port. Gone were three days of rigorous and oppressive setting that offers all summer that price and was the first in which the wind turned to the usual pious and east, with such decision that had become a deterrent surf bathing. The waves had tossed green foam mounted in a good-sized golden scales which were already gray and opaque to be stranded on the shore. The indolence of the few walkers passing by his side topped the faint hope of being returned to the water and only Gulls that hovered over the feast gave signs of life in a landscape that seemed suddenly stopped by an old order and strict routine. In this land on which the bathers were petrified as signposts to the unwillingness holiday, a gull pecking at the fish began sheepishly, looking nervously sideways at both sides as if he feared being arrested for indecent behavior. And there was something indecent in the fury with which was implemented on the corpse's head, around the eye, then not without ambition of elegance from the body block and neck as jackhammer. It was at that moment when I decided to go in search of sites less carnivorous, unaware that the modern automobile mechanics take me to meet other guests no less voracious.

(*) Nickjournal Published August 26, 2009 .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Floating Arm Trebuchet Trebuchet

never check the tires if you go on vacation (I)

(*) ... because you will not have surprises at the annual organizational program of tedium. A puncture outrageous, but no newspaper leaks left me lying in the National 320. The road had seen better days, a provincial splendor but proud of its long straights, with its changes treacherous ground and demanded their share of accidents promptly as silent tribute to outsiders, to which the villagers secretly felt creditors. The old route began to die with the opening of a highway only desired by the city authorities and road safety epidemic that afflicted the whole country had turned its greedy collectors drivers of fear priced in points.

Anyway, I played at the height of 170 km and a Sunday afternoon in freefall, without recourse to a crane to take me out of exoticism improvised and I must return to the vacation program that traced. He had chosen the road as a shortcut and not a pretense of exclusivity lost, so that ruled out the nostalgia and patience as reasons adventure, ended up in a slum after a clumsy and long wheel change worthy of worst case. The place had a lonely and dilapidated Coke label to distinguish him from a funeral home or workshop. At least had the decency not to be called "The Frenazo" or "dangerous curve." He wore a huge black letters on its front side windows that made up the sad and original title of "habit." Posted honestly threat by the local address as inevitable as I made the polite question of whether they had nowhere to sleep. After a while, four listless cloth passes through the bar and laziness of those who know a ruin so slow that others may never warn their inexorable decomposition, an elderly woman meats accompanied me to one of the rooms advised. Under dim light of 40 watts in vain sought to extend the closing time, they guessed a disused household furniture that new furniture had been left by the wayside in a timid attempt useless design and renovation at a store in a nearby industrial estate and anonymous , which now had no less sad decorating home bar owners. Stood as the cornerstone of indefinite color comfortable with carved drawers and orphans of all history, in which it was impossible to track any personal drama to have been stripped all traces of human precisely because of the transporting indifferent humanity continued for those rooms. Completed a hopeful show a misanthropic bedside with her potty dilapidated but clean in its gloomy interior and a rococo mirror up by the passage of time and embarrassed by the peeling paint of your frame. The impression he made the fourth was of a permanent combat tables between apathy and anxiety without guest referee did and dared to take it out of its doldrums. The picture could not be more opposed to second-hand literature, which had traveled some distance, or a couple of drinks as an antidote to the urgency I went to the bar downstairs.


(*) Nickjournal Published August 24, 2009 .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tattoos Footprints With Wings

Judgement, value and law

(*) is no doubt that summer is a proper season Montaigne selected readings and a meticulous type who submitted their experiences, impressions and opinions to a method that rocked both moral and gambling imposed training, while challenging the use of changing moral opinion as which can be imposed at all, since it would be perverse for indefinite versatile and useless. Variables to resolve these moral and chance that could have reduced to the status of a new moral or, increasingly secular version of the Renaissance, arbitrista. And he anticipated the empire's prestige or discredit personal opinion is for the social position or group where it is overriding the value and special nature of the trial. It is useful to read now that social premium brand that we believe we assigned in the securities markets, enabling us or discredited to be recognized and integrated, but preventing the knowledge-as opposed to the recognition of others, and independence of mind. Without doubt foresaw that it would be an inexhaustible source of quotes and comments, although his vision was not to sense that would be inspired Nickjournal tickets. Is not the first time you use or the last.

About morality and its strength as a brace on the view outside his capacity as a system for ordering social thought and traffic trials, wrote in Chapter XL of Book I of the Trials whole size and mission statement in its title: That experience of good and evil depends largely on our view . And he says the following:
"Men," says an ancient Greek sentence, "they torment their views on things, not the things themselves. " If I could establish the full truth of this proposition, he would earn an important point for relieving our miserable human condition. Because if the evils we have penetrated only through our view, seems to be in our power to despise or cut in property. If things are performing at our mercy, why not have them or accommodate them at our convenience? If what we call evil and torment is not evil nor torment you, and only our imagination that gives quality, change is in our hands. And if we can choose, if nothing forces us, is an extreme folly opt for the match that we find most annoying, and give the disease to poverty and contempt and troublesome a sour taste and can give good and be so fortunate just gives us the area and shape concerns us. Now, let's see if it can be argued that what we call evil is not his (...)

Separate things, wandered without trial by the reign of opinions. The problem centered on whether natural condition of things determines our option, without possibility of appeal to be adjusted, then all natural moral challenges and religion as universal and timeless standard training trial unequivocal:
original be afraid of things that had the power to stay in us by his own authority, and similarly would like at all. In fact, men are all the same species and, except differences of more or less, come with similar tools and instruments to understand and judge. But the variety of opinions about things clearly shows that they only penetrate us with a transaction. Perhaps some of the are home in their very being, but give them a thousand other new and otherwise be there.

The key is in the transaction between the nature of the thing and opinion and the mechanisms underlying the transaction. The different men seem to face one fact which is attributed originally a negative quality, indicates not only useful for different values \u200b\u200band different cultures and times but also the difficulty of assigning value and manage these views to prevail upon them without interest and common approach. That is, the law.

Apply the above to cases such as death, the death penalty, poverty, torture or the same management of public funds by our leaders.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cervix 3 Days Befor Peroid

Nothing to say (is) Miss Baltimore Hon

(Robert Longo, Series Men in the cities , 1979)

you will recognize that there is nothing worse than finding an old lover in a corner. The chamfer is a transit area where you can not ignore the surprise, while the corner is fleeting and forgotten step free. Ten years ago not seen and it took another fifty to have the urge. In total amounted to an eternity sallow and flat, immune from any action that would give relief and which the grotesque vanity was solvent. When it has been so long at the mercy of silence and thinking it knows all of the other education applies to any other drive, is violent, judicial or mere desire to lose sight altogether. The methodical and worthwhile plan not find each other is replaced by a courtesy as useless as vicar of cowardice. We were brought up straightaway, so we got into one of those bars that open engagement at the corners to solve this type of embarrassing situation, we drink and we sat lopsided compromise, watching the clock and missing the next hour.

The bar was so minimal and the dossier to be solved: three tables against the wall with three chairs each, one of which faced the shift to client gotelé painting of a grayish yellow unadorned a short bar, dotted with rations wrapped in a sterile plastic stools and no church could do, a gaping hole leading into the kitchen and a noisy coffee at the center looked like a shrine waiting for the unwary. The one local woman led him into some meat but still young and beautiful avoiding tight look you in the face when you asked something more to protect the supply of foreign tedium that hostility. He moved with a determination that none of the customers expect from this place, his diligence was more about wanting to erase a past which no need of the trade. He wiped a table gathering remains thoroughly and took the dishes to the kitchen, piled in the sink, forming a symmetrical tower covered with aligned on one side and the other vessel, turned the tap against the wall and sat down to eat a meal and while he was mediated turns on the cooker to a steak alone. Finished eating, he folded his napkin carefully, lit a cigarette wiped the plate, washing dishes and the linoleum floor without moving in the same tile, closed the cabinet over the sink, he sat down on the only chair, lined feet, clasping his knees, raised his chest without looking up and was listening to the sounds uninteresting scarce and deaf who came from the bar. The first sun of sitting on the floor drew the same line wide, dirty and faithfully every evening, got up to straighten the rod of the blind that occurred until a uniform tone shades. The precision of their movements seem to obey a secret plan to submit to a rigorous site cadastre search any flight line and measured any horizon, starting with himself, preventing any hint of adventure that could make it recognize and escape from the squalor of and local work. With every gesture exact absences showed he wanted to hide, as many holes as they did in the fringe matted with a twitch of two fingers. Its purpose of links was so careful to avoid taking him out with such a lack of greed and piety. Returned to the kitchen, picked up something inconceivable from the ground, stooping teaching a clean round neckline of which was no longer responsible and asking commit crimes of disorder. Came due.


- I've been ignored, not even you've had coffee, suddenly I heard that the reason for being there, waking reality. The truth is that I was as witty as ever.

(*) Nickjournal Published in the July 7, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Butter Equivalents Shortening

(*) With the arrival of summer seasons in Baltimore together through the competition of Miss Hon , the festival's tribute to working women held each year under the sarcastic The motto of High the hair the closer to God! This time the Queen has been Surreline, round meat and sympathetic beauty. Wigs pounds of armor and get paint and painting styles that belie any temptation to get close to God since the industrial crisis of the 70 Hampden neighborhood became a mecca for the white trash . The neighborhood was paralyzed in its last heyday, sixties, which faithfully recreates the style contest Miss Hon since 1994. What really holds Miss Hon is a gaudy lifestyle that was displayed with pride when the miniskirt, the wage insurance and a sense of achievement by working in a factory started to allow it.

The festival occupies a single street, the main Hampden, pompously known for The Avenue (a declaration of independence for a street) and full of hair salons, bars, eccentric, unemployed uninsured geeks without fee but with rhythm, shops extravagant clothes and jewelry, a couple of pharmacies ambushes and some antique trail closer to the cabinet which purports to grant a last impostada style to your buyer. In its extremes are two scenarios modest, for musical groups will grapple with issues in the neighborhood own Johnny Cash, country , swing and everything sixties to third, and the main intended contest of the Miss, both infant and mother, as mothers and grandmothers are competing. The neighbors on stage dressed in cooking aprons adorned with sequins, curlers and sleep caps, tulle illusion miss, scrubs embedded in both home and street, wearing gaudy dresses of satisfaction with fronts bright fuchsia pink and leave no to doubt. Up proud to be neighbors of Hampden and secure to overcome the peculiar conditions of the contest: "Talent is not required, but hidden skills are valued as singing, telling a story about the life of the district, to recite some sharp gravel in the local lingo or playing improvised. In fact, Miss Hon won for playing Take Me Out to the Ball Game a xylophone made from soda bottles. In addition, the winner must be willing to march in the main events of the year: Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, 4th of July and Halloween . One of the judges boasts a competition with humor: Ask standards demanding and have followed ten years of therapy with the possibility of being right now. Be chosen queen for a year in a district that produces only local news program of festivities and get just tourists is the main aspiration for their wives. So meet the currency of the festival: Honor the Working Women of America .

What in the humble, and so far self- Hampden Honfest is festive without concessions to the tragedy and tenderness, without consecration or adjectives, trash culture was made from John Waters and Divine muse. Gender trash and tacky aesthetics begins with Pink Flamingos Divine when proclaims its principles and does not change by others: The filth is my politics!, filth is my life! There is a tourist route, little known and discreet, as befits Baltimore, but has its devotees and places of worship, including the salon where she cuts her hair Hairspray director , the tomb of Divine ( less secret than that of Poe, predictably), the museum which displays a giant statue of the diva and even the place where they shot the final scene of Pink Flamingos .

(Gertrude Stein, Carl Van Vechten, 1935)
In a city that produces images as elusive as famous Gertrude Stein began his career because it looks like the portrait that still did not know that would make Picasso. At Johns Hopkins studied just enough medicine to know the difference between melancholy and nostalgia, and to avoid both, with the help of his character, ambition and potential, not knowing it would end up feeling forced nostalgia of his own face. Genial and paradoxical product of the bourgeoisie of the nineteenth century, left the medicine because he was bored and could not bear "the abnormal", she has conducted a methodical leading abnormality, ie, destined to be normal. Affected by Cubism, which he considered a English painting movement, said "the United States and Spain are the only two Western countries that can make abstractions. For Americans, the abstraction is expressed by depersonalization, in literature and the creation of machines, while in the case of English is expressed as abstract rites unconnected with anything, except with the ritual in itself. " It was in U.S. Ser where he said but in the Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, which was her lover.

In Baltimore there are more things but they all foreshadow the day glow of the remains of the working class converted into his own show, not some stranger. Poe lived here, whose bicentennial is being celebrated this year, he wrote, he married his cousin Virginia Clemm, 13, died and has no grave and museum. Dr. Hannibal Lecter The worked and was sentenced to nine life sentences in the State Forensic Hospital. The television crime series The Wire goes also here. Resurrection beer outweighs cultural excesses but it's hard to find. The end is the residue of the waves of immigrant workers as diverse languages \u200b\u200bthat forced Rachtleff Paula, a longtime neighborhood of Fell's Point, to learn five languages \u200b\u200bin order to play in the street as a child. And successive docks, shipyards, textile factories, closures, layoffs, misery and splendor that are summarized with cheerful loyalty Miss Hon, John Waters and Divine .

( *) Published in Nickjournal, June 15, 2009 .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ap Biology Cellular Respiration

'll return to Region Hookers and johns

(*) It is time to devote a cover to the greatest writer in English of the last half century, and one of the two best in the literature of this period, with Cormac McCarthy . It is no coincidence that both have known pick up the influence of master teachers who preceded them, William Faulkner, and have assumed and solved in very different ways. Benet with a deep language of writing precise and clear phrase, round and wide, in which nothing is missing or superfluous, written in a proud and conscious of their independence, so proud of baroque elegance as stripped of ornaments and dressings, dip in his novels is being nude and dressed in pontifical at a time. McCarthy, whose absence leaves the Nobel prize in its infancy commercial and political literature, is concise and emphatic words, a script based uncompromising surgical dialogues, descriptions and eerie silences that line your stories in a poetic form refined as possible, a language pruned to the root of the impression created. Both, like Faulkner, symbolic and tacit world builders and oppressive but open to be released by the evocative power that convey to the reader. If he completes the picture with the best European philosopher of the time, the teacher Augustine, our letters do very well stop. For the first half of the bloody century could leave Baroja, including their hacks to Falangists and blessed, as liberators of misery.

Benet The highest flight planned on a literary moment of good writers in a country isolated and poor, with the spirit of alternative refuge in tradition and rebellion rather than use them. By ability and ambition Benet was not in the social realism or installed in a free fiction that hides in rewarding and recognizable images, hence despise the film. After the national education reduced the size and spirit today is a top happy about writers workshop that make a novel like a crank mechanism, combining words and fearful of doing wrong as weaklings they are. The beauty of Region'll return to his sense of complete and perfect work, is staggering. The imaginary land created has all the elements needed to overcome the probable and partnership with family and literary judges ruling as favorable as dictate Expires:

- the characters, not fate but wandering like ghosts through a story that neither shun nor recognize as their own conscience elusive "can not remember hatred but resentment treasures "whose streets are the defeat defeats undertaken by the novel and whose dialogue is sterile exchange know loneliness faced and his monologues sign of a stagnant life without any willingness to redemption:
so many times as I tried to put me in Travel (...) I was finally sitting by the side of a deserted road or in the platform of a station of the absurd,

What did I can assure you is that I never let the child leave myself and I imposed the discipline of silence since the end of war. If something had understood was that thereafter there were two different women that they should not be confused if I wanted to preserve the integrity of the prisoners;
- descriptions of landscapes made with a symbolism that breaks the physical space and unites it with staff of the narrator, making common readers and transformed into a mythical place. Tortuous transcends geography to ascend to a harmony broken by the ruin of the traveler and the place:
one time or another [the traveler] know the disappointment he felt that every step forward but does not zoom out a bit more of those unknown mountains . And one day have to leave the order and take that remote decision to escalate its highest peak, that peak-shaped limestone retaining imperturbable mask its romantic legend and a plume of blowing snow.
- tense game with ellipses in its evocation through would like blurry images and make them permanent, and therefore continuous and universal:
No other hope in this land of disappointments, has prevailed since the time was sealed with the click of the latch or the firing of Mantua, for our health, nothing better could have happened, nor will prevail - I can assure you, while there is a postcard, yellow like a photo that you bring a memory of any kind with which to probe the depths of today is but one was a something that never existed because what There was and what was not was.
- history, not as explicit or to tell the story but as a constant underlying pattern emerges as the universe running through the novel:
People have chosen to forget their own history: very few must keep a true idea of \u200b\u200btheir parents, their first steps, of a golden age and adolescent ended suddenly in a moment of shock and abandonment. Perhaps the decline begins one morning in late summer with a meeting of military and trackers riders willing to beat the bush in search of a player's fortune, foreign playboy casino night rose to their honor and money , the decay is no more than that, the memory and the dust of that ride on the path of Torce, the frenzy of a society exhausted and willing to believe that he would regain the honor away in a canyon of the Sierra, a lot of pieces of shell and blood vengeance.
(*) Published in Nickjournal on May 27, 2009.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Troubleshooting Echo Blower 400e

At bastards that chasing johns
whores condemn to poverty

(*) Ishtar is man and woman at a time and sexually insatiable in both. She is dedicated to the most important port of entry to Babylon, which leads directly to the heart of the city, where the temples, palaces and treasures, among them both the legendary real one. One of the most fabulous attributed the first queen of the world, Nitocris, who wanted to rule it intended to be a man, inaugurating a series Egyptian pharaohs and women taking up the duality of Ishtar, as the Babylonians had more pride than critical. Nitocris, far-sighted statesman, left an inscription in one of the doors of his temple: "If a future president needs gold, I open my grave." Darius, the Persian king in Babylon whose domain was then ordered to open the tomb, but only found the queen's body preserved in honey and a brick with an inscription that his avarice condemned to ostracism: "If you had been less stubborn and greedy, not you would have become in grave robber. " Darius threw the body of queen to the Euphrates, and with it their own greed.

Following an ancient law of the country, in the temple of Ishtar women in prostitution. Babylon every woman should go once in your life to the temple and wait for the first man who offered him a silver coin. In other temples of the goddess also boys with gay prostitutes, so they earn a special blessing of the goddess, but only to women is reserved for the supreme honor to serve Ishtar. The confines of the known world foreigners come to submit with pleasure to this law, because the Babylonians are retracted to see their wives and daughters serving carnally the goddess. When Xerxes, the son and successor of Darius, visit the city goes to the temple where he finds more than a thousand women willing to pleasure in the atrium, with the officers commanding the sex trade. Zopyrus, satrap of the city, warns Xerxes and his friends that women who enjoy giving the impression they were real prostitutes pretending to serve Ishtar. The most coveted were the casual and delivered them Xerxes: "They preferred women who is serious and troubled, as if somehow they were away from the body to make offerings to the deity" (Gore Vidal, Creation ). Zopyrus, Persian army officer, had deliberately distorted face for the endless and fruitless siege of his troops to Babylon to simulate a drop-out and earn the confidence of its inhabitants and for Darius to give the city. Parallel to the ambivalent sense of Ishtar, in his dual ambition of Persian and Babylonian, a soldier and ruler, Zopyrus loses face but the throne of Babylon lust.

From the legal slut and a whore public whoring intimate and festive while melancholy as literary archetype: Ilona arrives with the melancholy and above the trap to become real. Is likely to force us to lose the innocence and evil as the automatic reverse in some corner hidden history, family Serna force for identification rather than experience, "Gaviero crazy, fucked Maqroll ... until that intertwined and panting, we love a laugh, as children who have gone through a serious danger of that just miraculously saved. With sweat, his skin took on a nutty flavor and dizzy. The night came suddenly and the crickets began their signals at night. "(Alvaro Mutis, Ilona arrives with the rain )

The night has been thrown on and the crickets rule: several Ilona later and when asepsis overflowed the bloodiest century triumphs Puritanism in the hand of new eunuchs. These have become mentally castrated and not to legally protect the right to exercise the whores, but to go after the johns and ordered and underground and exploitation by traffickers and pimps, the new barbarians official. They are no longer worthy pious sacristy but with an old office engaged under new Saints dress. Are meritorious manger because if there is anything further determined that the cradle is the desire to leave the creek in some downtrodden. Whores deny the right to own body so much more funeral touting for business. The pursuit of john prevents exercise whores as they l conditions of freedom, security and health as any other worker. In the country that is without the puritanism and where advertising is associated with freedom prohibit advertising of threatened to report their clients . If anything these new nuns hate the sight of meat whores riding, a scenario that contrasts with the intimate and unspeakable shame of the desolate lives of their new guardians. It's the old battle between Don Carnal and Doña Cuaresma, a slide gender have preferred the duality of Ishtar. They have fallen to the throne but no face.

Francesca Woodman: Self , Rome, 1977-78

(*) Published in Nickjournal the May 25, 2009.

Friday, May 29, 2009

How Quick Does Flagyl Work

Negotiations on Capitol Hill

(*) visited Capitol Hill in disguise for the sole purpose of recovering the island of Guam to our interests, not to the Crown as his insights have guessed. We lost by a fatal communication failure at not having heard our viceroy on the island of the treacherous war with the United States. Likewise, and patriotism, the commander of the fort completely ignorant of English and American frigate captain was for him with a courteous and symmetrical about the English ineptitude. At present the latter in the Bay of Guam to take possession of the territory came to meet a minor official in a national boat with the intention of entertaining, was ignorant of the war between the two countries. The host immediately became the American guest, who was then known as the hostages. One shortcoming of all ranks instruction in the arts of archery and horse riding did the rest, unable to resist an enemy more cunning and equipped with firearms . The result was a painful loss so bloodless as to the geography of Spain definitely that was compressed in the school maps. It went from teaching to the Philippines and Guam pointer to show the finger at the Minho and the Guadiana, then sliced \u200b\u200bthem rivers and mountains and founded the state of the autonomies.

Meanwhile, Joaquin Costa rising arrears certificate Restoration doubts and protests swinging on the swing so that after a century museum home to teach in the imprint left by his head on the wall. Since then our last mark on the world was in the colony of Naples in 1911, when during one stage of the Giro cyclists were forced to leave the field through a herd of bulls and shortly thereafter continued dismount to cross an impassable road, encouraged by the release of tomatoes and insults from spectators. Repair

that prolonged absence from the concert of nations requires immediate negotiations to return to Guam and our nation its rightful place in the world: Diner bronze. Negotiations have no other object than reinforcing the dominance of the new metropolis of our neighborhood with the modern lure of worldly illusion dialogue and inspire the natives of the occupied territory. The real aim is simply to avoid the huge expenses that produce the only means by which the property is settled new territory: war and trade. But save ships and bags is miserable and plunges a country into oblivion. Since our armies are engaged in relief of the needy persons and the fleeting fame of its soldiers on television display, lack of troops that we avoid the hassle of negotiation.

on Capitol Hill see two samples of perseverance in the tricky art of agreeing: paths statues of an astronaut and an Indian with feathers that have preceded me in claiming their colonies. His example shows that trading is autistic and has no other object than itself, at intervals to measure the timing of the next stage. Is the closest thing to eternity that can be imagined at this time instant, and as such there be applied to it. Following the pattern of these pioneers start formal talks to fulfill the international protocol that applies to non-belligerent countries, ie offering snuff to usher to guide us on the tour of the Capitol. Accompany this with the previous digression obtuse way of presentation of credentials. After an attentive service appears composed of lackeys ceremony in a white coat and strange gadgets round the neck-shaped squid legs and hearing purposes, explain, which I interpret as the placet to my request for a hearing. These modern wizards of the soul are tattooed on his clothing a sign that reads "Mental Health Care", undoubtedly the palace room where I can evacuate my embassy, \u200b\u200bbecause, as is typical of a populous tribe, have a cabin for each application. I involved a cache of maps showing the time our property, recovered from the nearby Library of Congress, and I carried as corresponds to the parcel in a bunk bed and properly called tied, as it is loving people safety and comfort . The placet is that every two weeks I can send emails to the satrap of the kingdom, which I will respond promptly, suffering a form of compulsive eternity.

( *) Published in Nickjournal on May 14, 2009.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whats A Full Head Of Highlights

(*) One of the many debates that has a habit of closing Nickjournal false main theme was on: travel clothing. Proposals are aimed and mutual criticisms wielded so the taste of the place, but no solutions. Summer is approaching, resort, and must have clear instructions to the English we can display as tourists with dignity and practicality. There are some, all combining elegance and comfort in harmony.

Attire: first, it is completely inadvisable for everyone to do his cloak a cloak and pretend acquire an identity irreducible to prepare the case, a very proper pruritus via jantes, intellectuals and other poor they come over. When it comes to Aliens is taifa the country or origin and appearance should be in keeping with that responsibility. Starting from aristocratic way, the cab eza, it is essential pith helmet use, type of hat that is absolutely not a sham but the most useful accoutrement. Its usefulness goes from making win the reduced height to Iberian of protect soles i nclementes, through its use as improvised bag thanks to its built-in belt or function of potty if we had to sleep in pension infected which no traveler ever rejected lovers. For the tourist should not at all to stay in reputable hotels eo dubious fame for having written them alleged literary: it would be sin of lese Booby.

Continuing south, the torso is covered with a jacket or blouse simple regional to way, like the traveler. I strongly recommend the latter, it is customary to identify and remove chest English the terroir of origin and not their country, so that saves costume garment presentations, facilitate friendships and national personalities can improvise occurring under a coconut tree. Private parts and legs are covered with a beneficial concession to modernity: a pair of pants that mechanical detachable zippers and multiple pockets paths that allow us confused with individual activities and trips. Rule out the use of breeches, t garment anto being archaic and not have more to unleash the lust object of the wearer. Just as is the matching problem, the modern version of the breeches that also leave us in awe at the first gust of wind, as well of being easy to ridicule by the tribes better equipped. As for footwear, it is entirely irrelevant wear sports shoes, being hot in summer, cold in winter and vice versa. In their places boots propped r, type of shoe open at its front and tied with buttons or ribbons from the shank to the point that it's as comfortable. Buttoned model is prescribed by the most poise and only has the disadvantage that we can be rightly accused of archaism, if anything more ridiculous presumption that currency. However, its stylish look and versatility c sa convertible outweigh that risk. To complete the outfit, a layer is very useful garment that protects against inclement weather and unforeseen events can attend protocol in foreign courts, thus disguising the way the absurdity that is the dress above.

Articles of baggage: As a book of notes and agenda, our traditional rubber pad secured with a rubber supplies used with advantage to the Moleskine , being the natural sweat flowing with the former more in line with the weather visit wild. Is allowed to stick to fashion any logo, as well as tourists will be recognized as important, having been sponsored by the company colonial question. In Britain li camouflage a notebook should Rubio numeracy, technology summit of our race who will serve as a calculator to avoid deception of Moors and Jews. For the use of their tables is helpful to be accompanied by a helpful clerk that we avoid pregnancy of our ignorance in numbers. Nor is it of neglecting the incorporation of a flexible whip guides discourage spontaneous, predictable or creditors globalized mosquitoes. For all kits will bring some plasters, powders azole chafing for most shameful and a bottle of liniment. Needless to any other remedy to health, it would signal weakness and would question the presumption tourism and intimate exhibition of power that is. Needless to say, also spare any travel guide, as it travels through distraction and to be able to tell in the bar, not collected with reverence for the cultural order of the day. The guide only tells if we are in the Hellespont or in Sebastopol and did not leave for that trip. Finally, needless to add that it is wrong to use machines to picture postcards, rosaries and other memory devices in vain, as it travels to forget that we are sedentary and lazy, not to recall images and foreign customs.

(*) Published in Nickjournal on May 11, 2009.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Treasures Of Troy Slot Machine Online

travel clothing 100 days and 200 years

(*) 100 days are met the new U.S. administration and just over 200 years of neglect of these our colonies. The first memorial for a country so fond of the rush to enjoy short dynasties, none of them not exceeding four years or eight in rare moments of nostalgia for the monarchy. Their dependence on the clock is parallel to our own inertia. The second anniversary is more substance and requires urgent review, will not declare independence again while we wait for a new Deseado. A country whose last appearance in the world was two centuries ago needs a special envoy.

difficulties should not frighten trip to a mission that aims to save imperial neglect so great, so I trust the considerable travel expenses to be produced at the willingness of the Ministry, whatever the field, it is improper spontaneous correspondent noted. In its absence likely will have to enjoy the hospitality of the natives, shown at the fall meeting of the G-20-shadowing our Real-Council in Washington, the capital whose name is an obvious perversion of their native origin, Guadalajara and Chinchón. The English imprint is seen everywhere.

Rate in the right measure both anniversaries requires a cavalier perspective of history, for which I try to be an appropriate vehicle to the effort, a carriage, distracting to a local tribe called Amish, descendants of our roads clear. Amid the stunning upset of these simple people and genius soon place I go to the representative of Indian customs: a repository of colonial cathedral-sized bed, which they call mall. I leave the carriage on a local invention that the native love in its simplicity: a vast, nearly empty parking lot, concrete cracked and surrounded by fencing so rusty as our memory in America. Is a rectangle cross white lines appear to have been painted by children in a sinister game giant child of loneliness symmetrical, which come to buy from the same family and coupon hand. Inside

people indulge in his favorite hobbies: the size and hauling bales and the movement of goods, which they call trade with innocent enthusiasm. Unlike us, they do not think the feelings paralyze any business. March of the native porters is led by instinct than by reason and rules including a curious custom by which abandoned packages rightfully belong to the people of good will, ie the weakest. As the load and the trade the principal duties of these Indians is not surprised by his devotion to motor vehicles and their dedication to the caravans, which spend much of their lives and become clogged with traffic. Moreover, they are practical and cheerful people, lacking the special gravity makes us different and unrelated to any reputation, which enables them walking free in the rest of our colonies.

numerous portraits adorn the place of the new chief of these tribes, a mulatto whose features are not entirely unpleasant and providing a primitive bow. Full of both courage and prudence, is tall and well formed and its members announced force, displaying a tremendous activity, probably incredulous of your choice. Show fixity of resolution and at a pace that bears his zeal is quite possible to hold the 200 days before you finish reading this story. It is equipped with an entirely complimentary European and his subjects have been cut open in Creole that fit from scholars to the most varied vivales.

proliferate in matters of religion heresy, enlivened by singing group in their respective churches, clearly reminiscent of recent times in which they danced around the fire conjuring the spirits of the night. From that time kept a strong sense of fear, what they have done a modern advanced country in the induction of fear and consistent management security, for better control of their subjects. Profess their beliefs firmly but without the rigidity of such skeptics as devotees of other faiths doubt that it would free them. Unlike Europeans, organize and appreciate their short history but not its nostalgia.

Tired of politics and history looking for a distraction according to the company in charge of the country and ministry, when I see a neon sign that says something like "gay ear ..." and I translate loosely as a cockpit, one of our sturdy sports . I go with the avidity of the gambler and mild-mannered gentlemen lead me without a word intelligible to a booth, no doubt recognizing the taste for discretion English character. The compliments will happen in that paragraph courtier threadbare velvet and interpret these blandishments as a prologue to the cockfight awaited, although this is delayed without explanation that is worth. Benedictine patience go out there stung more than just my dignity but with the satisfaction of mission accomplished.

(*) Published in Nickjournal April 29, 2009.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ectropion Before Getting Pregnant


In the excellent article by Arcadi Espada from May 2 - "Pandemic ...? The media - spoke of swine influenza and Siamese in its dual aspect: policy and media. The dirty influence of influenza porca that plague us. Highlighted in the text the reference to Gray Quadern of Pla and unanimity that caused the English flu of 1918-1919 in Catalonia:

"March 14.
Now, finally, glad to live in Catalonia. Unanimity is complete. Everyone agrees. We've all had, have or will have, inevitably, the flu.

18 October.
flu makes terrible havoc. The family has had to split to go to funerals. "

The popular unanimity, a legion Rally to the sick is a goal of every self-respecting leader: achieving a state people waking around an external threat to salvation. The alarm comes to mind of more heavy rains for the convenience or a new virus that we remember our globality (ie, our helplessness and lack of tangible responsible for that protest), adds two features very journalistic in its modern version: new and timely schedule. Alarm states, so similar to states of emergency dictatorship worse unless the regularity, follow a medical protocol prospect worthy of any medicine. A dosage in subjects ranging from disease diagnosis and prescription pandemic of fear and hope in the healing result. Because if it were not so dangerous pandemic derrick turn be returned to the patient as much freedom as you may have: stop being sick. The result is a discouraging spectacle of risk and personal responsibility for entertainment and conversion of the citizen in sick and viewer.

is not known whether the severity of swine influenza refers forwards but the severity of the alarm, once his deputies have found that benevolence in the use of successive alarm is more effective for the control of the patient that the same alarm . These deputies are political power in the form of governments and international health organizations and the media. The benevolence of alternating power alarm and their relief at doses equal and constant, a homeopathy led to the submission of the citizen to make it permanent potential patient, ie, dependent on and on guard: It's a new twist to the permanent state of dependence on the concept of health to which we submit. Thus, U.S. and Mexican governments (the latter, with less room for the game) and WHO have agreed on the protocol to implement the new pandemic: first, the Secretary of State branch, Mrs. Napolitano declared a state emergency health and a few days after President Obama lowered the threat. On April 27 the WHO established in -level 4 within a six- the pandemic alert, announced the general director of the (live), Margaret Chan. Two days later raised the risk level 5, which means that "the virus was transmitted from person to person in at least two countries in a region" in this case Mexico and the United States. This implies a strong signal that pandemic is imminent, "said the Chronicle newspaper which contained the news. The next day the same agency was continuing its parallel mutation to the virus and said it should not be alarming move to level six if he continued the expansion of the disease.

However, should spread the alarm as long as a vaccine was found effective and timely modern diseases, pandemics now for the sake of the global: the economic risks which triggers the alarm. These risks were shown in the previous case of flu, influenza. The WHO declared Toronto area at risk and the result would be catastrophic for the economy of this city for conventions and congresses until the Canadian government protested the WHO removed the rating. In their defense of the first declaration must be remembered that the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (known by its acronym in English, SARS) had killed 44 people in Canada, all in Toronto. Not so same for Thailand, which suffered severely from the consequences in foreign tourism. The market found a balance between prevention and health warnings intended economic effects they produce. And just the threat of financial ruin can mitigate the modern tendency to consider the health quasi-permanent state of alert.