Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Troubleshooting Echo Blower 400e

At bastards that chasing johns
whores condemn to poverty

(*) Ishtar is man and woman at a time and sexually insatiable in both. She is dedicated to the most important port of entry to Babylon, which leads directly to the heart of the city, where the temples, palaces and treasures, among them both the legendary real one. One of the most fabulous attributed the first queen of the world, Nitocris, who wanted to rule it intended to be a man, inaugurating a series Egyptian pharaohs and women taking up the duality of Ishtar, as the Babylonians had more pride than critical. Nitocris, far-sighted statesman, left an inscription in one of the doors of his temple: "If a future president needs gold, I open my grave." Darius, the Persian king in Babylon whose domain was then ordered to open the tomb, but only found the queen's body preserved in honey and a brick with an inscription that his avarice condemned to ostracism: "If you had been less stubborn and greedy, not you would have become in grave robber. " Darius threw the body of queen to the Euphrates, and with it their own greed.

Following an ancient law of the country, in the temple of Ishtar women in prostitution. Babylon every woman should go once in your life to the temple and wait for the first man who offered him a silver coin. In other temples of the goddess also boys with gay prostitutes, so they earn a special blessing of the goddess, but only to women is reserved for the supreme honor to serve Ishtar. The confines of the known world foreigners come to submit with pleasure to this law, because the Babylonians are retracted to see their wives and daughters serving carnally the goddess. When Xerxes, the son and successor of Darius, visit the city goes to the temple where he finds more than a thousand women willing to pleasure in the atrium, with the officers commanding the sex trade. Zopyrus, satrap of the city, warns Xerxes and his friends that women who enjoy giving the impression they were real prostitutes pretending to serve Ishtar. The most coveted were the casual and delivered them Xerxes: "They preferred women who is serious and troubled, as if somehow they were away from the body to make offerings to the deity" (Gore Vidal, Creation ). Zopyrus, Persian army officer, had deliberately distorted face for the endless and fruitless siege of his troops to Babylon to simulate a drop-out and earn the confidence of its inhabitants and for Darius to give the city. Parallel to the ambivalent sense of Ishtar, in his dual ambition of Persian and Babylonian, a soldier and ruler, Zopyrus loses face but the throne of Babylon lust.

From the legal slut and a whore public whoring intimate and festive while melancholy as literary archetype: Ilona arrives with the melancholy and above the trap to become real. Is likely to force us to lose the innocence and evil as the automatic reverse in some corner hidden history, family Serna force for identification rather than experience, "Gaviero crazy, fucked Maqroll ... until that intertwined and panting, we love a laugh, as children who have gone through a serious danger of that just miraculously saved. With sweat, his skin took on a nutty flavor and dizzy. The night came suddenly and the crickets began their signals at night. "(Alvaro Mutis, Ilona arrives with the rain )

The night has been thrown on and the crickets rule: several Ilona later and when asepsis overflowed the bloodiest century triumphs Puritanism in the hand of new eunuchs. These have become mentally castrated and not to legally protect the right to exercise the whores, but to go after the johns and ordered and underground and exploitation by traffickers and pimps, the new barbarians official. They are no longer worthy pious sacristy but with an old office engaged under new Saints dress. Are meritorious manger because if there is anything further determined that the cradle is the desire to leave the creek in some downtrodden. Whores deny the right to own body so much more funeral touting for business. The pursuit of john prevents exercise whores as they l conditions of freedom, security and health as any other worker. In the country that is without the puritanism and where advertising is associated with freedom prohibit advertising of threatened to report their clients . If anything these new nuns hate the sight of meat whores riding, a scenario that contrasts with the intimate and unspeakable shame of the desolate lives of their new guardians. It's the old battle between Don Carnal and Doña Cuaresma, a slide gender have preferred the duality of Ishtar. They have fallen to the throne but no face.

Francesca Woodman: Self , Rome, 1977-78

(*) Published in Nickjournal the May 25, 2009.


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