Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ectropion Before Getting Pregnant


In the excellent article by Arcadi Espada from May 2 - "Pandemic ...? The media - spoke of swine influenza and Siamese in its dual aspect: policy and media. The dirty influence of influenza porca that plague us. Highlighted in the text the reference to Gray Quadern of Pla and unanimity that caused the English flu of 1918-1919 in Catalonia:

"March 14.
Now, finally, glad to live in Catalonia. Unanimity is complete. Everyone agrees. We've all had, have or will have, inevitably, the flu.

18 October.
flu makes terrible havoc. The family has had to split to go to funerals. "

The popular unanimity, a legion Rally to the sick is a goal of every self-respecting leader: achieving a state people waking around an external threat to salvation. The alarm comes to mind of more heavy rains for the convenience or a new virus that we remember our globality (ie, our helplessness and lack of tangible responsible for that protest), adds two features very journalistic in its modern version: new and timely schedule. Alarm states, so similar to states of emergency dictatorship worse unless the regularity, follow a medical protocol prospect worthy of any medicine. A dosage in subjects ranging from disease diagnosis and prescription pandemic of fear and hope in the healing result. Because if it were not so dangerous pandemic derrick turn be returned to the patient as much freedom as you may have: stop being sick. The result is a discouraging spectacle of risk and personal responsibility for entertainment and conversion of the citizen in sick and viewer.

is not known whether the severity of swine influenza refers forwards but the severity of the alarm, once his deputies have found that benevolence in the use of successive alarm is more effective for the control of the patient that the same alarm . These deputies are political power in the form of governments and international health organizations and the media. The benevolence of alternating power alarm and their relief at doses equal and constant, a homeopathy led to the submission of the citizen to make it permanent potential patient, ie, dependent on and on guard: It's a new twist to the permanent state of dependence on the concept of health to which we submit. Thus, U.S. and Mexican governments (the latter, with less room for the game) and WHO have agreed on the protocol to implement the new pandemic: first, the Secretary of State branch, Mrs. Napolitano declared a state emergency health and a few days after President Obama lowered the threat. On April 27 the WHO established in -level 4 within a six- the pandemic alert, announced the general director of the (live), Margaret Chan. Two days later raised the risk level 5, which means that "the virus was transmitted from person to person in at least two countries in a region" in this case Mexico and the United States. This implies a strong signal that pandemic is imminent, "said the Chronicle newspaper which contained the news. The next day the same agency was continuing its parallel mutation to the virus and said it should not be alarming move to level six if he continued the expansion of the disease.

However, should spread the alarm as long as a vaccine was found effective and timely modern diseases, pandemics now for the sake of the global: the economic risks which triggers the alarm. These risks were shown in the previous case of flu, influenza. The WHO declared Toronto area at risk and the result would be catastrophic for the economy of this city for conventions and congresses until the Canadian government protested the WHO removed the rating. In their defense of the first declaration must be remembered that the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (known by its acronym in English, SARS) had killed 44 people in Canada, all in Toronto. Not so same for Thailand, which suffered severely from the consequences in foreign tourism. The market found a balance between prevention and health warnings intended economic effects they produce. And just the threat of financial ruin can mitigate the modern tendency to consider the health quasi-permanent state of alert.


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