Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rhyming Sayings For Halloween

Biches the net I found this amazing artist: Fred Einaudi . His work is full of acidity, turbidity, contrast, sharpness and squalor. His reading of eroticism seem incredible, the way it introduces elements that are outside the order of discourse, elements that "should not" be there, intruders 'annoying and desgradables' who question the rules of the game.
Through his paintings, gives beauty to a priori monstrous figures, invents imaginary where life and death, human and animal, human and machinic, the sensitivity and the obscene, or the innocent and the cruel mix to confused, until we know what's what or who is who.
and irrverente Ironically, Einaudi satirizes the conventional representations of manners more cheesy. Come to me encantaa!
taken me choose one image among many powerful emetic and beautiful, but in the end I opted for it. What would you choose? If you want to keep watching your blog enters .


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