Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Best House In Ocm For Senior Week

Here are-in this entry and the next-two notes to be transcribed in full. For there we have passes the Karakol . Welcome!

Judith Butler rejects the Berlin Pride Award for Civil Courage 2010

"I distance myself from this complicity racist
press release
SUSPECT group on the events of June 19, 2010.

As queer and trans activists of color (and their allies) in Berlin, we welcome the decision by Judith Butler Zivilcourage to reject the Award given by the Pride of Berlin. We are pleased that a renowned theoretical has used his fame to draw attention to criticism vegan launched by queers of color about racism, war, borders, police violence and apartheid. We particularly appreciate her courage in criticizing and explain the proximity between the organizers and organizations homonacionalistas. His brave speech is a testament to its openness to new ideas, willingness to engage with our long journey of academic and activist work that often exists in isolation, insecurity, appropriation and manipulation.

Unfortunately this is happening again, because people of color organizations, according to Butler, deserved the prize she had not received any mention in press reports so far. Butler gave the award to GLADT ( http://www.gladt.de/ ) LesMigraS ( http://www.lesmigras.de/ ), and ReachOut SUSPECT ( http://www.reachoutberlin. of / ) and yet the only political space named in the reports is Transgenial Christopher Street Day, an alternative event Pride mainly composed of white people. Instead of speaking of racism, the press is limited to a simple criticism of marketing. Butler herself was very clear in his speech: "I distance myself from complicity with racism, including anti-Muslim racism." Insists that not only homosexuals but also "people bi, trans and queer can be used by those who want war."

CSD through Renate Künast of the Greens (who seemed to have difficulties when prefigured the name of the award, and capturing key elements of his work) was introduced to Butler as a persistent criticism. Five minutes later, this same criticism persistent left the organizers with their mouths open. Instead of collecting part of speech, and Ole Jan Solloch Lehmann, did not think anything but totally deny any suggestion of racism, and attacking the 50 queers of color and allies who backed Butler, "You can scream all you want. No are the majority. Already. " The final was an imperialist fantasy game with the Brandenburg Gate in background: "The Pride will continue its program ... no matter what happens ... all over the world and here in Berlin ... that's how it always has been, always will be so" .

In recent years, racism has been the thread that has gone through the events of Pride, from Toronto to Berlin, as well as the gay landscape in a broader sense (see the critique by queer theorists Jasbir Puar and Amit Rai in his article "Terrorist Fag Monster" 2002). In 2008, the Berlin Pride slogan was "du WAS degegen Hass?" roughly translated as "What's wrong?". Homophobia and transphobia are redefined as problems related to the young people of color, according to this view, do not speak German well, which is always questioned alemanedad and simply do not belong. 2008 is also the year that the discourse on "hate crimes" comes hard on the sexual politics in Germany. His quick response was facilitated by the fact that it had identified the criminal homophobic: migrants and criminalized, imprisoned and even deported with increasing ease. The moral panic is legitimized through questionable practices by the media and supposedly scientific studies, every case of violence that could be related to gay, bi and trans (whether the perpetrator is white if it's color, and without distinguishing between homophobic assaults and altercations road) is circulated in the media as more evidence of what we already knew - that the queers, especially white men, are in trouble, and that "homophobic migrants" are the main cause of this. This notion, increasingly accepted as truth, is largely the result of work of organizations like the German homonacionalistas Gay and Lesbian and telephone line Mane, whose collaboration with the Pride was the decisive reason in rejecting the award from Butler. This work is mainly media campaign that repeatedly represent migrants as "archaic," "patriarchal," "homophobic, violent and not be assimilated. However, ironically one of these organizations receive public funding to "protect" people of color racism. The "rainbow circle of protection against racism and homophobia" in the gay district of Schöneberg was received by the Mayor of the District with an increase in the number of police patrols. As anti-racist, unfortunately we know what that means more police (whether LGBT or not) in a neighborhood where many people of color, especially in times of "war on terror" and "security, order and cleanliness."

is this trend of white gay policy of replacing a policy of solidarity, coalition and other radical transformation of criminalization, militarization and border surveillance denouncing Butler, in response to criticism and analysis presented by queer people color. In contrast to many white queers, she was willing to risk for it. For us, it represents a decision as courageous.

Yeliz Çelik, Sanchita Basu, Lucy Chebout, Lisa Thaler, Jin Haritaworn, Jen Petzen, Aykac And Cengiz Safo_lu SUSPECT

Barskanmaz for June 20, 2010.

SUSPECT is a new group of queer and trans migrants, blacks, people of color and their allies. Our goal is to follow the consequences of discussions on "hate crimes" and build communities free of violence in all its forms, interpersonal and institutional.

Lyrics: Maggie Schmitt


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