Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3 Days Late Cervix Is High And Soft

(*) What defines a community today? It is subtitled exposure on three photographers and painters. An excuse to talk about the new type of community, but have to be improvised. I begin by setting aside traditional concepts and modes of formation of the community: family, clan and village (or any pre-modern way), interests (residents, property owners) or beliefs (religious sect), with its origin and relationship through physical and common denominator. What has changed and defined the community today is the type of link and the means by which they are born and maintained. Seem more electives: friends, acquaintances or members of any activity on the Internet looking for and discarded. Are exchanged quickly. Mobile communities initially formed by election and a final result, as a whole, characterized by random, which makes the individual indifferent, subject to the community, which in turn indistinguishable. Faces, modes of dress and behave interchangeable connection protocols approved, all alike. Baptized as democratic. The intimacy disappears for the benefit of the community. Back to the clan, this time unclear.

Jim Torok: Trenton Dayle Hancock, 2008

Jim Torok: David Brody , 1999

Jim Torok: Doble autorretrato , 2002

(*) Publicado en Nickjournal el 12 de febrero de 2010.


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