Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can A Person Have Pet Platypus?

A curious that no longer rare talk with the dead

(*) The Curious Case of the vagabond photographer. Wandering Wanderer anything because Miroslav Tichý lived most of his life without leaving a town of Moravia, Kyjov. In the early postwar years studying at the School of Fine Arts in Prague, during the brief period of democratic government until the new regime suppresses their loved ones and carnal models and he decides to replace the painting for photography. As will be seen in their purposely torn photos with true nostalgia. True to his fondness for taking pictures and sketches from life, you will find these models to the parks and streets of a provincial town with no surprises. His life as a hermit, armed with cameras unlikely made by himself with rags, his appearance as a beggar in rags, they make their neighbors can not believe it takes real photos. Such impunity and his obsession with a woman's body make it the perfect voyeur. Spend more than thirty years alternating a miserable life in the cramped cubbyhole waste that served as photo lab, with time at prisons and mental hospitals when local authorities need to beautify the landscape of the city. A force of isolation and scorn by the beaten track Olympic art, carving a target end-renowned and acclaimed artist, despite his will.

For years, dedicated to "pass el tiempo”, tirando y revelando miles de fotos, imágenes distorsionadas deliberadamente o borrosas y manchadas por la pobreza de los materiales utilizados. "Las imperfecciones forman parte de cada foto. Son su poesía y lo que le otorga cualidades pictóricas. Para eso necesitas una mala cámara", dice. Una imperfección que busca con perfecta constancia. Los fabricantes de arte terminan por descubrirlo en su guarida y le montan exposiciones en el Pompidou (2008) y, ahora, en el Centro Internacional de Fotografía de Nueva York. Llegan las hagiografía s. Esa avalancha sepulta su idealismo: "¿Qué es arte? El arte es sólo una idea", sigue diciendo. Hoy lo han convertido en producto of an art as needed as ever approved eccentricity, although he qualified for "art in its most essential" , meaning poor. As if poverty were provided purity.

But there is much mystery as it seems, was never delivered at random, the end of the day was not an anonymous beggar with no destination. When he says "I'm just an observer of people, but a good one," says a goal pursued ruthlessly. Its materials are broken cameras and reels, along with their fantasies drawn on stolen naked, neighbors sunbathing in bikinis and landscapes patients. Its strategy is automatic: "When I do not think photos nothing. "And his dedication, stoic:" Pleasure is a word that I reject absolutely. How can a skeptic like me pleasure? Dismiss feelings as fleeting as pleasure. "

The fame comes in the form of artistic recognition and with it his perplexity, so full of contempt as to attract:" If you want to be famous you have to do something and doing worse than any person in the world, "he says. He himself laughs at fame, says no interest but was surprised to have become a star, says with a toothless smile. But his face keeps the main weapon for wonder, to admire: a minimum of innocence. Tichý is a man who jumped from one extreme to the opposite without changing its nature, although clothing, in which the least important is the artistic product that ends in success. And the promoters are eager to confuse troops look Tichý a blurred and broken world, advanced by both the repair and sale of these advertisers.

(*) Nickjournal Published in the March 11, 2010.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Birkenstock Miami Mall

(*) to each his own subject. The dead who have poor health we are talking about and claim that they speak. Is the insolence of the dead spoken of Chateaubriand, albeit a different story: "Whatever the efforts of democracy to raise their customs to the great goal that proposes cuts habits, strongly resents this narrow : believing her to forget, what he did in the Revolution was shed torrents of blood; useless remedy, because it could not end it all, and, ultimately, was faced with the insolvency of the bodies. " ( Memoirs from beyond the grave, Book XIX, Ch. 9)

The accounts of the dead were one of the sources writing. Of that legacy, and even more of an echo, modern revolutions of education and information have wanted to drive out the classics for what they do not adapt to the hustle, prose and utility, wrong (but rightly) understood as easements. Misunderstood because the developers of education do not let us "hear the letters" Zeno, said in the dialogue on Plato's Parmenides.

Of the stories that bring the dead will speak Agustín García Calvo in his lecture Books and Reading in Classical Antiquity (Talking with the dead ) , in the cycle organized by the Foundation March Books and readings: five historical moments. Host presentations and the Ministry of industry are long, so you can start at minute 11:45

(*) Published in Nickjournal on March 6, 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome Greeting Church

A moral issue? History vs.

(*) In 1994 the South African photographer Kevin Carter, who worked as a freelance , received the Pulitzer Prize for photography, section Feature (let's leave it) for a picture published in The New York Times on March 26, 1993. As with other photographs issue that received the Pulitzer Prize, the decision to publish was made by the editors and this was widely reported worldwide. The picture is not a snapshot but was prepared by Carter, waited a while (hours, depending on Newseum, which was exposed a few minutes as his teammate Silva, who was with him) for the vulture approach, enter both in box and got a greater effect. Even wait for the vulture with his wings, which did not happen. The girl was alone at that time and was near a power United Nations The incident occurred during one of the famine in Darfur and southern Sudan in the 90's. Carter was justified during the award acceptance speech saying that she could get their own way to the UN camp. Shortly afterwards declared, "is the photo of my career but I'm not proud of it, I hate to see it, hate it. I'm still sorry for not helping the girl. "

versions and details aside, Carter was criticized for not having given up the picture, picking up the girl to save her. The critical success and chased him, he spent a nature photographer and two months after he committed suicide.

From the beginning the issue was raised by the media that the photo became an icon as a matter of public morality, including section utilitarian characteristic of Anglo-Saxon world. However, and from that point of view of utility, Carter emerged unscathed from the process and winning, as he got more benefit to the community (African, food, western welcome) in the form of international aid if it had been limited to rescue the girl, supposedly dying. The moralists who criticized him refused to turn the moral autonomy of the individual in whose name they spoke. Carter was required to be exemplary time without the picture could not be because nobody would have known. The virtuous character for the community rescue action that called for excluding the value of the news as a fact witness. At the same fact, the agony of the girl and the vulture ready to devour it, were denied their autonomy to impart a moral value of others. This tragedy led by a photographer and means ambitious and outraged a community, do you have limits? Is it right that Carter had prepared the scene to morbid extremes, as the death of the child?

( * ) Nickjournal Published on February 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Counter Offer Letter Claim Sample


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3 Days Late Cervix Is High And Soft

(*) What defines a community today? It is subtitled exposure on three photographers and painters. An excuse to talk about the new type of community, but have to be improvised. I begin by setting aside traditional concepts and modes of formation of the community: family, clan and village (or any pre-modern way), interests (residents, property owners) or beliefs (religious sect), with its origin and relationship through physical and common denominator. What has changed and defined the community today is the type of link and the means by which they are born and maintained. Seem more electives: friends, acquaintances or members of any activity on the Internet looking for and discarded. Are exchanged quickly. Mobile communities initially formed by election and a final result, as a whole, characterized by random, which makes the individual indifferent, subject to the community, which in turn indistinguishable. Faces, modes of dress and behave interchangeable connection protocols approved, all alike. Baptized as democratic. The intimacy disappears for the benefit of the community. Back to the clan, this time unclear.

Jim Torok: Trenton Dayle Hancock, 2008

Jim Torok: David Brody , 1999

Jim Torok: Doble autorretrato , 2002

(*) Publicado en Nickjournal el 12 de febrero de 2010.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Propo-n/apap 100-650 Dosage For Adult


(*) Un personaje histórico se convierte en literario por obra y gracia de un gran escritor. Chateaubriand extirpa a Mirabeau de la Historia con una incisión profunda en su genio y contradicciones. Como hombre público, lo califica de “tribuno de la aristocracia, diputado de la democracia” y encuentra en él, por el origen florentino family, the extraordinary man who meets "the republican spirit of the Middle Ages in Italy and the feudal spirit of the French Middle Ages." Two historical periods and greatness whose ills are manifested in the Revolution of 1789 through the action of the speaker of the people: "In the midst of the awful mess of a session [in the Assembly], I've seen in the gallery, dark, ugly and still, remembering the chaos of Milton, impassive and amorphous in the midst of confusion "(Memoirs of grave , Book V, Chapter 12).

(Mirabeau, by Joseph Boze )

Change the character of literary historical genre Mirabeau continued with the description of its features: "[his] ugliness, the marks left by smallpox in the face of the speaker, (...) the nature seemed to have molded his head to the control or the gallows, cut his arms tightly by a nation or to kidnap a woman. " Of his character notes that "drew its power from its vices." Chateaubriand coincides with Mirabeau at a banquet hosted by the granddaughter of Voltaire, the Marquise de Villette, and continues his paradoxical description - lion-headed chimera - a tale of the character's egotism: "This lions son, himself a lion-headed chimera, this man so positive in fact, it was all fictional, all poetry, all the imagination and enthusiasm for the language. " Of their conduct at the time that the French court tempted their heads after the storming of the Bastille, but before the Terror, said: "the murder was not a sublime act of intelligence did not feel any admiration for slaughterhouses and mudd ".

's glory was short-lived Mirabeau, as fame tends to be now, but accompanied by the honor that distinguishes the two. Instead, the abduction of gender is a constant throughout history. The seen in major art is paralleled by a leap of smaller caliber but of the same nature in the translation from one language to another. For both rules it never dominates the genre enough foreign or foreign language so that the transfer would be punished. You have to steal and invent to make it credible and do not miss anything substantial on the trip. The translation has over stolen wedding between author and translator of treason. When translated dies, the widower inherits. Baudelaire gives his best translating Poe and try to be "his heir in all." That devotion shows in their meticulous translations of the extraordinary stories or Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym , which are popular Poe in France (and, incidentally, they would in Spain ). Baudelaire's fascination with Poe begins in 1847, two years before his death, and lasts until 1865, when it completes the translation of serious grotesque stories and, of course, also two years before his death. Symmetry certainly not loved by two spirits messy. The common tendency of both to melancholy, a taste for the supernatural or the occult attraction are bridges to smuggle the tale of gender between Poe and the poetry of Baudelaire

end here, leaving open this occurrence to other examples or challenge Generally, if applicable. And for listening to Montaigne, who is ahead by more than four centuries of our era: "They should have coercive power laws against writers inept and useless, as they have against vagrancy. (...) The graphomania has become a symptom of a century out of hand. "

(* Published in Nickjournal on 11 February 2010).