Thursday, February 11, 2010

Japanese Groping On Train

literature Connellsville, Pennsylvania

(*) Connellsville has nothing special to do, there is no attraction or plaques that interpret them. So there is no photos. But his apparent lack of interest also incurs the inverse of the topic of tourism, that of the postcard. The town is a crossing point in which only stopped when night falls you up in winter. Nearby is the Casa de la Cascada , famous architect of that besides having fresh ideas and structures known to use the slide rule. Since he did not have returned to use as horizontal lines on which to walk without wondering if you're marching. Also land near Laurel, a natural park where the mob comes to town to run on trails, rivers and air programs regulated.

Connellsville is a people without fame that the nearness of those crowded places has been vaccinated against the curious. It defends them with the last mill, a handful of shops and a diner full of white that opens at six o'clock and Amish-style breakfast served to parishioners who divide their boredom between Democrats and Republicans. Specialties Amish community due to the devotion of Smicksburg-Dayton and pastes consisting of oats that no neighbor would dare to describe as picturesque or ethnic, as it would a tourist. But that landscape would see in the morning, between a consistent mist.

In a side street bar ask for a place to stay some young people going to appease decades of beer they have left to live here. Sociologists like TV news plethoric variety inform me that there are three types of accommodation: Whorehouses, meublés decent and motels, with emphasis on the adjective pious. I recommend one of these, more to save his own reputation for wanting to see mine. Call at a motel for $ 50 a night run by a dark woman with the memory would be black. In the land of freedom I get a descendant of slaves.

The reception room is a mock White House Oval Office with which cultivated tropical plants and two symmetrical wings, each with swinging doors overlooking a shady porches of those fleeing the upper rooms. Fines call that shyness setback floors. On the wall behind the counter hangs proudly shows two tables, one of General Washington and a deer, forest and river. The first is a copy of the famous and the second says it has painted itself. At this time, either. Both are impressive but together they saved a little unexpected and just proportion between the impulses of nature, progress and linking to these people. Drops a moving speech about the first president who demonstrates both the lack of guests who listen as the rapture of the American people by its founders. Unlike of us, these people return to the past to be useful idols, as well as baseball players. Returning as if those pioneers were neighbors of merit and fortune but is not retroactive, as the European cacophonous. Theirs is not yearning desire to be saints but who cheer and emulate.

In that past and present of drunken peasants boss defends its appreciation of the geometry of his office and passion for the rainforest of the interior, all that has grown in thirty years, says lead to front of this inn road. infiernillos Two heating plants and a light which differentiates are luxuries that will be missed in the room. It also says it needs an indoor gardener, as she calls a valet helpful to their whims, since I was offered and declined, as the night. "

(*) Nickjournal Published January 28 2010.


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