Sunday, January 24, 2010

Put Different Hairstyles On Your Head

Nashville, Tennessee

(*) In more beggars Nashville music clubs but something less than they spit decibels at its busy downtown . The homeless are concentrated around the neoclassical public library as if to compensate for their discrete misery with the solemnity of the building. The reasons are always prosaic and make the facts: the library opens at 9 and offers sinks, toilets and heating after the frost free. In return, the beggars founded sayings, for they are our "A good hunger there is no bread" (Beggars Can not Be Choosers ), "Could not ask for the moon" ( If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would ride) and "Das hand and you catch the arm" (September a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the devil ). These proverbs discounts of spirit is not known whether the beggar is the real limit to our imagination or we sleep.

This official city country music tends to hog gender, claiming the origin of bluegrass with a birth outside the Ryman Auditorium, a huge red-brick factory built for religious and devoted to country today . In December 1945 and renewed in the heat of World War II that brought the country, Bill Monroe and his band created the new musical style that also claimed the right to Virginia and West Virginia, Kentucky elbows, and a tacit agreement appointing as music of the Appalachians. Delivery of the mountains not respected, of course. The fact is that the mandolin of Bill Monroe's fiddle joined Chubby Wise and Howard Watts on bass to form The original bluegrass band, which was the model that followed. Here his Blue Monn of Kentucky :

Today, to hear good music have to leave the crowded resort, but six miles of cordon sanitaire against the rock-punk-country that dominates the official scene from 90 and reached to the Bluebird Cafe, where great change is bound groups immersed in a liturgy of devotion to the singers that abound there. With some effort and the timely assistance of the cold night, tourists can recover secularism warned in a logical flash. More convenient is recovering Willie Nelson, who did not fall asleep in the canons of classic country and founded style outlaw, a sound influenced by rock'n roll . True to his invention, he seized the farm and the study was in Nashville for tax fraud millionaire. With the remnants purchased at auction has become a museum dedicated to the innovative singer, promoter of biofuel today BioWillie. Your Crazy recalls Blue Velvet by David Lynch and the city exudes calm her first scene, the friends of firefighters marching.

Nashville City is also paying homage to the values \u200b\u200band history. The Centennial Park is a reproduction of the Parthenon, in better shape than the original, and are celebrated martial virtues of the World II: Ten monoliths with captions and pictures that stand guard to interpret gratitude, triumph, courage, conviction ("the miracle of industrial production" not necessary for battle), horror (the outside, of course), outrage (Pearl Harbour), resolution, courage, strength and victory (photo by the atomic bombing of Nagasaki). Another heritage of the city is the origin of the Ku Klux Klan, founded here in 1868 and has its counterpoint in the official state museum, which teaches that the abolitionist movement is older, 1797. And bad food, stocked in bulk dish meat-and-threes , which aims to save a restaurant named newspaper, The Standard , whose change of venue does not improve outcome. And Dolly Parton, the most famous daughter in East Tennessee, singing two girls competing for the same boyfriend:

A Nashville to get from Chattanooga if one approaches from the east or from the proudly aristocratic southern Atlanta. If not, there is a detour and visit this city the way, won the title of the dirtiest in America in the sixties. Then applied the law and the compensation budget and now has a pedestrian center and miles of trails along the Tennessee River, which meanders through wrapping it in a gray reminiscent of the industrial era. Chattanooga is at the confluence of three States, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee and just a few miles below the frontier of the civil war between North and South, probably the only one with a pious than aseptic geographical name. As befits its status, emerged as a train station at Western and Atlantic Railroad. Glenn Miller dedicated his Chattanooga Choo-Choo , a song with the frenzy and the belief in progress typical of the era it evokes:

(*) Nickjournal Published December 4, 2009


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