Friday, May 29, 2009

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Negotiations on Capitol Hill

(*) visited Capitol Hill in disguise for the sole purpose of recovering the island of Guam to our interests, not to the Crown as his insights have guessed. We lost by a fatal communication failure at not having heard our viceroy on the island of the treacherous war with the United States. Likewise, and patriotism, the commander of the fort completely ignorant of English and American frigate captain was for him with a courteous and symmetrical about the English ineptitude. At present the latter in the Bay of Guam to take possession of the territory came to meet a minor official in a national boat with the intention of entertaining, was ignorant of the war between the two countries. The host immediately became the American guest, who was then known as the hostages. One shortcoming of all ranks instruction in the arts of archery and horse riding did the rest, unable to resist an enemy more cunning and equipped with firearms . The result was a painful loss so bloodless as to the geography of Spain definitely that was compressed in the school maps. It went from teaching to the Philippines and Guam pointer to show the finger at the Minho and the Guadiana, then sliced \u200b\u200bthem rivers and mountains and founded the state of the autonomies.

Meanwhile, Joaquin Costa rising arrears certificate Restoration doubts and protests swinging on the swing so that after a century museum home to teach in the imprint left by his head on the wall. Since then our last mark on the world was in the colony of Naples in 1911, when during one stage of the Giro cyclists were forced to leave the field through a herd of bulls and shortly thereafter continued dismount to cross an impassable road, encouraged by the release of tomatoes and insults from spectators. Repair

that prolonged absence from the concert of nations requires immediate negotiations to return to Guam and our nation its rightful place in the world: Diner bronze. Negotiations have no other object than reinforcing the dominance of the new metropolis of our neighborhood with the modern lure of worldly illusion dialogue and inspire the natives of the occupied territory. The real aim is simply to avoid the huge expenses that produce the only means by which the property is settled new territory: war and trade. But save ships and bags is miserable and plunges a country into oblivion. Since our armies are engaged in relief of the needy persons and the fleeting fame of its soldiers on television display, lack of troops that we avoid the hassle of negotiation.

on Capitol Hill see two samples of perseverance in the tricky art of agreeing: paths statues of an astronaut and an Indian with feathers that have preceded me in claiming their colonies. His example shows that trading is autistic and has no other object than itself, at intervals to measure the timing of the next stage. Is the closest thing to eternity that can be imagined at this time instant, and as such there be applied to it. Following the pattern of these pioneers start formal talks to fulfill the international protocol that applies to non-belligerent countries, ie offering snuff to usher to guide us on the tour of the Capitol. Accompany this with the previous digression obtuse way of presentation of credentials. After an attentive service appears composed of lackeys ceremony in a white coat and strange gadgets round the neck-shaped squid legs and hearing purposes, explain, which I interpret as the placet to my request for a hearing. These modern wizards of the soul are tattooed on his clothing a sign that reads "Mental Health Care", undoubtedly the palace room where I can evacuate my embassy, \u200b\u200bbecause, as is typical of a populous tribe, have a cabin for each application. I involved a cache of maps showing the time our property, recovered from the nearby Library of Congress, and I carried as corresponds to the parcel in a bunk bed and properly called tied, as it is loving people safety and comfort . The placet is that every two weeks I can send emails to the satrap of the kingdom, which I will respond promptly, suffering a form of compulsive eternity.

( *) Published in Nickjournal on May 14, 2009.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whats A Full Head Of Highlights

(*) One of the many debates that has a habit of closing Nickjournal false main theme was on: travel clothing. Proposals are aimed and mutual criticisms wielded so the taste of the place, but no solutions. Summer is approaching, resort, and must have clear instructions to the English we can display as tourists with dignity and practicality. There are some, all combining elegance and comfort in harmony.

Attire: first, it is completely inadvisable for everyone to do his cloak a cloak and pretend acquire an identity irreducible to prepare the case, a very proper pruritus via jantes, intellectuals and other poor they come over. When it comes to Aliens is taifa the country or origin and appearance should be in keeping with that responsibility. Starting from aristocratic way, the cab eza, it is essential pith helmet use, type of hat that is absolutely not a sham but the most useful accoutrement. Its usefulness goes from making win the reduced height to Iberian of protect soles i nclementes, through its use as improvised bag thanks to its built-in belt or function of potty if we had to sleep in pension infected which no traveler ever rejected lovers. For the tourist should not at all to stay in reputable hotels eo dubious fame for having written them alleged literary: it would be sin of lese Booby.

Continuing south, the torso is covered with a jacket or blouse simple regional to way, like the traveler. I strongly recommend the latter, it is customary to identify and remove chest English the terroir of origin and not their country, so that saves costume garment presentations, facilitate friendships and national personalities can improvise occurring under a coconut tree. Private parts and legs are covered with a beneficial concession to modernity: a pair of pants that mechanical detachable zippers and multiple pockets paths that allow us confused with individual activities and trips. Rule out the use of breeches, t garment anto being archaic and not have more to unleash the lust object of the wearer. Just as is the matching problem, the modern version of the breeches that also leave us in awe at the first gust of wind, as well of being easy to ridicule by the tribes better equipped. As for footwear, it is entirely irrelevant wear sports shoes, being hot in summer, cold in winter and vice versa. In their places boots propped r, type of shoe open at its front and tied with buttons or ribbons from the shank to the point that it's as comfortable. Buttoned model is prescribed by the most poise and only has the disadvantage that we can be rightly accused of archaism, if anything more ridiculous presumption that currency. However, its stylish look and versatility c sa convertible outweigh that risk. To complete the outfit, a layer is very useful garment that protects against inclement weather and unforeseen events can attend protocol in foreign courts, thus disguising the way the absurdity that is the dress above.

Articles of baggage: As a book of notes and agenda, our traditional rubber pad secured with a rubber supplies used with advantage to the Moleskine , being the natural sweat flowing with the former more in line with the weather visit wild. Is allowed to stick to fashion any logo, as well as tourists will be recognized as important, having been sponsored by the company colonial question. In Britain li camouflage a notebook should Rubio numeracy, technology summit of our race who will serve as a calculator to avoid deception of Moors and Jews. For the use of their tables is helpful to be accompanied by a helpful clerk that we avoid pregnancy of our ignorance in numbers. Nor is it of neglecting the incorporation of a flexible whip guides discourage spontaneous, predictable or creditors globalized mosquitoes. For all kits will bring some plasters, powders azole chafing for most shameful and a bottle of liniment. Needless to any other remedy to health, it would signal weakness and would question the presumption tourism and intimate exhibition of power that is. Needless to say, also spare any travel guide, as it travels through distraction and to be able to tell in the bar, not collected with reverence for the cultural order of the day. The guide only tells if we are in the Hellespont or in Sebastopol and did not leave for that trip. Finally, needless to add that it is wrong to use machines to picture postcards, rosaries and other memory devices in vain, as it travels to forget that we are sedentary and lazy, not to recall images and foreign customs.

(*) Published in Nickjournal on May 11, 2009.

Monday, May 11, 2009

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travel clothing 100 days and 200 years

(*) 100 days are met the new U.S. administration and just over 200 years of neglect of these our colonies. The first memorial for a country so fond of the rush to enjoy short dynasties, none of them not exceeding four years or eight in rare moments of nostalgia for the monarchy. Their dependence on the clock is parallel to our own inertia. The second anniversary is more substance and requires urgent review, will not declare independence again while we wait for a new Deseado. A country whose last appearance in the world was two centuries ago needs a special envoy.

difficulties should not frighten trip to a mission that aims to save imperial neglect so great, so I trust the considerable travel expenses to be produced at the willingness of the Ministry, whatever the field, it is improper spontaneous correspondent noted. In its absence likely will have to enjoy the hospitality of the natives, shown at the fall meeting of the G-20-shadowing our Real-Council in Washington, the capital whose name is an obvious perversion of their native origin, Guadalajara and Chinchón. The English imprint is seen everywhere.

Rate in the right measure both anniversaries requires a cavalier perspective of history, for which I try to be an appropriate vehicle to the effort, a carriage, distracting to a local tribe called Amish, descendants of our roads clear. Amid the stunning upset of these simple people and genius soon place I go to the representative of Indian customs: a repository of colonial cathedral-sized bed, which they call mall. I leave the carriage on a local invention that the native love in its simplicity: a vast, nearly empty parking lot, concrete cracked and surrounded by fencing so rusty as our memory in America. Is a rectangle cross white lines appear to have been painted by children in a sinister game giant child of loneliness symmetrical, which come to buy from the same family and coupon hand. Inside

people indulge in his favorite hobbies: the size and hauling bales and the movement of goods, which they call trade with innocent enthusiasm. Unlike us, they do not think the feelings paralyze any business. March of the native porters is led by instinct than by reason and rules including a curious custom by which abandoned packages rightfully belong to the people of good will, ie the weakest. As the load and the trade the principal duties of these Indians is not surprised by his devotion to motor vehicles and their dedication to the caravans, which spend much of their lives and become clogged with traffic. Moreover, they are practical and cheerful people, lacking the special gravity makes us different and unrelated to any reputation, which enables them walking free in the rest of our colonies.

numerous portraits adorn the place of the new chief of these tribes, a mulatto whose features are not entirely unpleasant and providing a primitive bow. Full of both courage and prudence, is tall and well formed and its members announced force, displaying a tremendous activity, probably incredulous of your choice. Show fixity of resolution and at a pace that bears his zeal is quite possible to hold the 200 days before you finish reading this story. It is equipped with an entirely complimentary European and his subjects have been cut open in Creole that fit from scholars to the most varied vivales.

proliferate in matters of religion heresy, enlivened by singing group in their respective churches, clearly reminiscent of recent times in which they danced around the fire conjuring the spirits of the night. From that time kept a strong sense of fear, what they have done a modern advanced country in the induction of fear and consistent management security, for better control of their subjects. Profess their beliefs firmly but without the rigidity of such skeptics as devotees of other faiths doubt that it would free them. Unlike Europeans, organize and appreciate their short history but not its nostalgia.

Tired of politics and history looking for a distraction according to the company in charge of the country and ministry, when I see a neon sign that says something like "gay ear ..." and I translate loosely as a cockpit, one of our sturdy sports . I go with the avidity of the gambler and mild-mannered gentlemen lead me without a word intelligible to a booth, no doubt recognizing the taste for discretion English character. The compliments will happen in that paragraph courtier threadbare velvet and interpret these blandishments as a prologue to the cockfight awaited, although this is delayed without explanation that is worth. Benedictine patience go out there stung more than just my dignity but with the satisfaction of mission accomplished.

(*) Published in Nickjournal April 29, 2009.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ectropion Before Getting Pregnant


In the excellent article by Arcadi Espada from May 2 - "Pandemic ...? The media - spoke of swine influenza and Siamese in its dual aspect: policy and media. The dirty influence of influenza porca that plague us. Highlighted in the text the reference to Gray Quadern of Pla and unanimity that caused the English flu of 1918-1919 in Catalonia:

"March 14.
Now, finally, glad to live in Catalonia. Unanimity is complete. Everyone agrees. We've all had, have or will have, inevitably, the flu.

18 October.
flu makes terrible havoc. The family has had to split to go to funerals. "

The popular unanimity, a legion Rally to the sick is a goal of every self-respecting leader: achieving a state people waking around an external threat to salvation. The alarm comes to mind of more heavy rains for the convenience or a new virus that we remember our globality (ie, our helplessness and lack of tangible responsible for that protest), adds two features very journalistic in its modern version: new and timely schedule. Alarm states, so similar to states of emergency dictatorship worse unless the regularity, follow a medical protocol prospect worthy of any medicine. A dosage in subjects ranging from disease diagnosis and prescription pandemic of fear and hope in the healing result. Because if it were not so dangerous pandemic derrick turn be returned to the patient as much freedom as you may have: stop being sick. The result is a discouraging spectacle of risk and personal responsibility for entertainment and conversion of the citizen in sick and viewer.

is not known whether the severity of swine influenza refers forwards but the severity of the alarm, once his deputies have found that benevolence in the use of successive alarm is more effective for the control of the patient that the same alarm . These deputies are political power in the form of governments and international health organizations and the media. The benevolence of alternating power alarm and their relief at doses equal and constant, a homeopathy led to the submission of the citizen to make it permanent potential patient, ie, dependent on and on guard: It's a new twist to the permanent state of dependence on the concept of health to which we submit. Thus, U.S. and Mexican governments (the latter, with less room for the game) and WHO have agreed on the protocol to implement the new pandemic: first, the Secretary of State branch, Mrs. Napolitano declared a state emergency health and a few days after President Obama lowered the threat. On April 27 the WHO established in -level 4 within a six- the pandemic alert, announced the general director of the (live), Margaret Chan. Two days later raised the risk level 5, which means that "the virus was transmitted from person to person in at least two countries in a region" in this case Mexico and the United States. This implies a strong signal that pandemic is imminent, "said the Chronicle newspaper which contained the news. The next day the same agency was continuing its parallel mutation to the virus and said it should not be alarming move to level six if he continued the expansion of the disease.

However, should spread the alarm as long as a vaccine was found effective and timely modern diseases, pandemics now for the sake of the global: the economic risks which triggers the alarm. These risks were shown in the previous case of flu, influenza. The WHO declared Toronto area at risk and the result would be catastrophic for the economy of this city for conventions and congresses until the Canadian government protested the WHO removed the rating. In their defense of the first declaration must be remembered that the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (known by its acronym in English, SARS) had killed 44 people in Canada, all in Toronto. Not so same for Thailand, which suffered severely from the consequences in foreign tourism. The market found a balance between prevention and health warnings intended economic effects they produce. And just the threat of financial ruin can mitigate the modern tendency to consider the health quasi-permanent state of alert.