Monday, January 12, 2009

Stream Banbus In Kate

As my experience is mainly related to the world of work Metalomecânicas construction, the sign reflects the way of promoting myself.

The poster'm throwing my current profession and breaking into the art world.

applies to me (or anyone else who will do the same) and the buyer also has to dare to change.

I left you a song from a Portuguese singer (now dead) António Variac, which I like and talk the same, the change: click here.

lyrics in Portuguese:

MUDA DE VIDA - António Variac

Muda of life you live Satisfeito não

Muda of life, you're always at tempo of moving

changes of life, you should not live counterfeit

changes of life, if there is life in you pant

see you smile I ever saw you

And sing, I never heard

Will you or you think you have ... to be so

Look that life is neither to be

As a punishment that you'll have to live


of Cambia if you do not live life happy

Change your life, you always have time to change

Change your life, you must not worried live

Change your life, if there is life in you


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