Monday, January 19, 2009

Raylene Richards Iphone

Cristina Allende Sicre

Is The Squinge's Hack Safe Sims 2

ruben gonzalez Ridaura

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Studdable Vs Studless

Pubic Area Tattoos Men

Marta Rodriguez Romero Ana Maria Gutierrez Hector Martin

I wanted to express how much I like superheros portraying myself in one, and at the same time trying to express the way in which sometimes we wish we were normal, with a boring and perfect life. That's why both of my characters are looking at eachother, they wish they were the person they are looking at. Its a paradox as both are me! I used your advice of putting my real picture but it didnt look good in contrast with the comic landscape so I portrayed my face in black and white. Also I did the poster as if it was part of a comic story, to follow the theme ...

Monday, January 12, 2009

How To Charge A Moped Battery


Leather To Make Bracelets

Victor Carpio

The poster is aimed for the sale of a new speaker of the fictional brand beLoud ®

Falling Actoin Of Alas Babylon

Gines Vidal Ignacio Monreal Marta Torres

I wanted to warn young people about sexually transmitted diseases in a way that I found a little shocking.

My idea was to make a sort of campaign for the English association publiciaria anti AIDS, but putting my picture.

Jerome Shostak Level F


Katea Playground Strip


This poster aims to stir interest for a social issue - violence against women as the logo I placed on the lower left corner speaks for it. The image of me stands for a maltreated lady: her eyes and the ashamed expression in her eyes almost totally covered by her hair, looking miserable not only for what she was subject to, but also for the reason what she has experienced will remain either unnoticed or noticed but then forgotten (as the burning polaroid implies), which is the common case in most of the world. The black eye-makeup/teardrop stains and the black pullover are serving this aim for sure.

How Long Is 1 Meg Of Internet


the purpose of this poster is to promote a set of services by a freelance consultant and goes around the Issues Actually seen in the industry WHERE Subjects Are Treated as pre-packed disciplines to adopt. Makes it the point on personal interaction with people, Social and Human Factors Into Experiences withouth falling fake promises.

When Do You Know A Verucca Has Gone?

Miguel Jimenez Adriana Rubio

LOBA or Lamb?
This character is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Or not ...
Ultimately, what I think is that the characters we like, admire those who are for us what they choose to be. not generally look beyond what we see.

Message For Loss Of Mother

Galbis Irina Cristina Guijarro

Why Does My Mole Hurts

José Manuel Urumova

The poster brands me as a “phantom,” an elusive character that invites the viewer to follow. It is different from other branding prototypes, such as “star,” “product” or “benefactor,” in that I do not aim at garnering support, I am not inviting to copy me nor do I solicit donations. A phantom may as much be a hero as an anti-hero, the intention underlying this prototype being to leave nobody indifferent whatever it takes. The expressive language employed by the poster may range anywhere from offensive and revolting to enticing and attractive. A phantom does not, however, become closer to the viewer who chooses to follow. It is intrinsically mysterious and elusive and defies clear-cut explanations. It is therefore important for a “me as a phantom” branding poster to use an intentionally vague language, to leave things unsaid. My poster does this by not showing the character´s face (nor its feet – think “yurei” ghosts!) and by making the text not easily readable – the viewer is invited to do some guesswork which adds to the overall mystery. The character´s body language is deliberately neutral to show the disengagement of the phantom from the surrounding reality and the distance between the phantom and the willing follower.

Does Shingles Look Like Poison Ivy

José Cabañero

Lo que quiero expresar es la libertad sexual, pero con precaución, todos somos mayores para saber lo que tenemos que do and with whom we do, ultimately it is our responsibility.

Lindsay Dawn Does The Doctor

a new mobile phone company

Resolution Of Alas Babylon

Diego Ruiz Martinez Sanchez Sarah Melendez

Blood Pressure Temporary Reduction

Nesci Valentina Andrea Mattioli

My work represents me as a product, a cover comic.
I decided represent with an illustration because I really like this area and I think it represents my personality and style in general.

My Babysitter Gave Me A Bath When I Was 12

Adventure Island Ticket Prices Rohini

We want to express the profile of the "killer" through the use of typography as if in motion and the image of the fist and red, symbolizing blood, fire, action, strength, strife, destruction and momentum and the same cruelty and anger. It is the color that evokes the war, the devil and evil.

Since this profile is not my nature, my figure is back and has a rather silhouette.

Where Can I Buy Gum Made With Stevia?

Bea Lopez Feijoo

Trane Furnace Xe80 Control Board

Men Wearing One Piece Swimsuits

Antonio Gallardo Lorena Martinez Paula Guedes

Which Handheld Chess Game Should I Buy


This is my ad, my own label, vintage. I have therefore chosen an old photograph of the city of New York and the models are representing that color is a contemporary clothing. The "P" and the point is the brand logo.