Saturday, April 5, 2008

High Cervix Days Before Period

unoccupied Prayer

get down from the heavens, I forgot the prayers
grandmother taught me,
poor thing, she now rests,
not have to wash, clean, do not have to worry
walk on by clothing ,
not have to watch the night, sorrow and grief,
pray, to ask things, rezongarte sweetly.
get down from heaven, if you are, get off then
I'm dying of hunger in this corner,
I do not know what it is being born, I look
hands rejected
no job, no,
get off a little, it provides
I am, this shoe broken
anguish, the empty stomach,
this city without bread for my teeth, fever cavándome
this sleeping well,
in the rain, the cold punished, persecuted
tell you I do not understand, Father, get down, touch me the
soul, look
I did not steal, not murder, I was a child and instead
hit me and hit,
say you do not understand, Father, get down,
if you are, I seek in my resignation and I have and I
to grab the rage and sharpen
to paste and go cry to blood

Juan Gelman


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