Friday, December 4, 2009

How Does A Scorpio Guy Kiss

Ensuring arms against the symbols

(*) The advantage of a news comment expired is having to gut its tendency, under penalty of talking about a dead body. This only applies when the news has not been repaid, or when it is not an isolated event. And it happens when it belongs to a genre, in this case of religions, beliefs and public realm.

The thing happened a few weeks ago. A judge, situated by the media and popular belief in the moral vanguard of a society, ejected from the room to a Muslim lawyer to bring a scarf covering her head in the exercise of its function. The question is under what it does as it does in the name of secularism, ie a set of rules and customs in force and socially accepted and practiced, as in France. But secularism is no state religion in Spain. So do not shed as lay representative because it can not refer to any standard adopted by reason, not faith circumstantial. Instead, break: the judge is an example of paganism in her country over religion and state, so much part of the success of the Catholic Church was founded on its adaptation to the pagan. The pagan knows that the boundary between public and private is not physically or is in the function of each one, since one in the square can not be separated in modern life, but is an unstable equilibrium between mobile areas governed only by the respect and doubt. The substitution rule, respect and belief and doubt personal taxation, however it is shared, it is idolatry to tribal values \u200b\u200band grass of confusion, which is rampant power. In addition to that idolatry is very variable fidelity, depending on the returns offered by the idol at all times. Hence, the judge's decision is not a battle in a war of symbols but a symbol of a war between tribes, however latent that is the modern comfort. The village community seen as supplementary to secularism back and pretending to act on their behalf.

What the judge is to ensure the symbol of feudal surveillance handkerchief in which only the fittest requires a community to another and exclude the vanquished. The ritual of the judge's decision is magical because only he can know the reason and process, leaving only decode interpretation necessarily random. The propagandists of the new dogma makes any discussion about it an article of faith, excluding the opposite reason: Marc Carrillo concludes his article The crucifix travels to Strasbourg with a succinct statement that cancels its previous arguments In short, this trip to Strasbourg crucifix better settle the foundations of a free society Taliban every kind and condition. Hell is always the others. What begins as an argument in his article really becomes a flawless, and as such is suspected of being a lie hidden. Whether or unappealing contrast is not supported and, therefore, right.

Instead, the source is more worthy of attention: the Case of the European Court of Human Rights, November 3, 2009, on the case against Italy Lautsi , whereby Italian State has been condemned for moral damages regarding the display of the crucifix in a public school. In the end, a substitution occurs only visible symbols, and thus recognized and challenged, by other invisible and harder to identify and combat. The right not to believe in any religion that case the statement must include the idols, as she herself admits to extend that freedom to practices and symbols that express a belief, religion or atheism .

(*) Published in Nickjournal, November 19, 2009.