Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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A clown in the parking lot of a motel

(*) August 5, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA: At 11 a dark night a clown appears in the motel parking lot at the entrance to Bar Harbor, a small town on the coast of Maine. Appears alone, in silence and in the midst of a solid dark, without moon or streetlights, walking with slow movements and an indifferent course, is limited to roam the park with a smile as enigmatic as his presence there.

Bar Harbor is located in Acadia National Park at the foot of Mount Cadillac, the pride of the villagers, whose modest 466 meters makes it the highest peak in the U.S. east coast. The coast in the strict sense, since it is on the same sea. In exchange for its low altitude provides a 360 degree panoramic view of the forest and the bare limestone rocks at his feet, the ocean and were-for your property, neighboring islands, as it is in the center of a small peninsula of glacial origin, as its inhabitants. The sunset over the Bay of the French is the height of the holiday program in which tourists head in droves to the top. Tourism is a spontaneously organized, familiar and respectful protocols visitor's own nature, without other ambition than to forget for a while with loss of the natural. There is an information center that collects and reports input paths, scenic views and attractions, but does not interpret the park, more in the habit of Protestant austerity and lack of modernity. A caring volunteer, clothing and aspirations of ranger offers an extensive survey to measure visitor satisfaction. The questionnaire consists of responses rated on and seal for disposal. Completed the evening by the sun on time laconic, peat is removed disciplined to the famous lobster dinner place and walk the four blocks of the town and the port card. The script is repeated subject only to changes of the seasons.

The motel is on the road to the village, on the right and two blocks from the church, close enough to be part of it and far enough away to be motel. It is a modest motel, clean, spacious and dimly lit, with a clear parking, bleak and useful, and a lack of personality that allows you to enjoy anonymity and deal effectively with the record of the night, the two most wanted by users of this type of accommodation.

tourist Only when the procession has been gathered in the village, returning to the surrounding desolation, is the time when the clown appears, hiding more than showing off with a remote display shame over this eccentric look at a place under an order as expected. After a while away and find the clown costume on the counter of the tiny front office. The motel is run by a man and a young woman, closer of marriage partners. The husband looks like jerk peaceful and educated by dealing with tourism, not one of those who cling to his wife when he loses his baseball team. It is the woman who justifies, rather than explained, it is she who has dressed as a clown for testing before the next birthday party your child. Talk of the event with a quiet devotion, without resignation or intention to use it as shelter from inevitable and loved solitude, with a mix of security and knowledge that makes it uniquely your own, impossible to decipher by anyone other than her. While talking maintains the same smile that had the clown away. A short scar on humble mountain runs left side of the face, near the corner of his mouth, making her a warm smile frequent face involuntary complicity with the speaker. The story he tells with such kindness and certainty will not be understood by clarifying the enigma of the principle that the people long ago, where he was born and where not out, is not their jurisdiction. Still living away in it, no intention of leaving, because the mere pretense of doing so would highlight accusations that feels neither wants to do and make him unbearable his autism, forced to play on other decor. At the end of the day, the calm assurance conveyed by this woman can only occur in half so foreign to her as is their people. Her warmth is an invitation to the stranger to be complicit in passing, as she lives. As a mathematical indeterminacy, his figure is only a concept, to narrow results incomprehensible. Not only intended to interpret.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ibm Thinkpad T60 Audio

never check the tires if you go on vacation ... unless you want to convert into a theme park (II)

(*) Summary of published yesterday: Beset by a kind of conjugal towards this blog, a guy has his dubious and unexpected vacation style and no less doubtful in two installments, search much intrigue as the economy, as long as they leave obligations devotion does not anymore. This is the last, in which supplies the final outcome. ●

The bar, curiously, was not deserted. A short and varied fauna, gathered there for the same gritty chance that if they had taken best place they had mistaken for good luck, occupied without enthusiasm but with drinks and snacks stale most of the tables. In one of them, with the corners of the board raised raylite leaving fuels and their faith in the light, sat a pair of black nuns and young people accompanied by a kind of determined look and paints cure in civilian clothes. He looked implacable of those who do not help you climb the trunk to the attic bus line because they think they have a manifest destiny to serve right away with a methodical compulsion to save them the risk of doubt. Were the three stiff as sticks with their cups of coffee sold out and kept a more boring than a contemplative silence, devoid of any plot. In all this pile of data and as the day was thick I could not deduct more than the nuns were not Irish. I parked my insight into another table with the intent to quench with copious and typical dinner while Falco chair leg with a paper napkin folded in eight to prevent the roll might seem obscene. Looking up I found a very neat subject occupying the next table read with devotion and a bound book with pasta old who called himself Manual to learn to type in 3 weeks . He was not wearing horn-rimmed glasses looked like a clerk or psychopath or subjected to any other predictable screenplay, but it was so alien to any place that left the bar more anachronistic than it already was. With gestures and a quick dry and bathed in saliva thumb turned the pages of the manual with a familiarity which showed take more than three weeks devoted to this noble endeavor. He did it with the same delight with which we spend the holidays.

the eve of that page I had started the above with a visit to an exclusive beach of Levante supposedly besieged by a golf course, a country inn and the acidic soil of the sea from the drains of the ships coming to the nearby port. Gone were three days of rigorous and oppressive setting that offers all summer that price and was the first in which the wind turned to the usual pious and east, with such decision that had become a deterrent surf bathing. The waves had tossed green foam mounted in a good-sized golden scales which were already gray and opaque to be stranded on the shore. The indolence of the few walkers passing by his side topped the faint hope of being returned to the water and only Gulls that hovered over the feast gave signs of life in a landscape that seemed suddenly stopped by an old order and strict routine. In this land on which the bathers were petrified as signposts to the unwillingness holiday, a gull pecking at the fish began sheepishly, looking nervously sideways at both sides as if he feared being arrested for indecent behavior. And there was something indecent in the fury with which was implemented on the corpse's head, around the eye, then not without ambition of elegance from the body block and neck as jackhammer. It was at that moment when I decided to go in search of sites less carnivorous, unaware that the modern automobile mechanics take me to meet other guests no less voracious.

(*) Nickjournal Published August 26, 2009 .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Floating Arm Trebuchet Trebuchet

never check the tires if you go on vacation (I)

(*) ... because you will not have surprises at the annual organizational program of tedium. A puncture outrageous, but no newspaper leaks left me lying in the National 320. The road had seen better days, a provincial splendor but proud of its long straights, with its changes treacherous ground and demanded their share of accidents promptly as silent tribute to outsiders, to which the villagers secretly felt creditors. The old route began to die with the opening of a highway only desired by the city authorities and road safety epidemic that afflicted the whole country had turned its greedy collectors drivers of fear priced in points.

Anyway, I played at the height of 170 km and a Sunday afternoon in freefall, without recourse to a crane to take me out of exoticism improvised and I must return to the vacation program that traced. He had chosen the road as a shortcut and not a pretense of exclusivity lost, so that ruled out the nostalgia and patience as reasons adventure, ended up in a slum after a clumsy and long wheel change worthy of worst case. The place had a lonely and dilapidated Coke label to distinguish him from a funeral home or workshop. At least had the decency not to be called "The Frenazo" or "dangerous curve." He wore a huge black letters on its front side windows that made up the sad and original title of "habit." Posted honestly threat by the local address as inevitable as I made the polite question of whether they had nowhere to sleep. After a while, four listless cloth passes through the bar and laziness of those who know a ruin so slow that others may never warn their inexorable decomposition, an elderly woman meats accompanied me to one of the rooms advised. Under dim light of 40 watts in vain sought to extend the closing time, they guessed a disused household furniture that new furniture had been left by the wayside in a timid attempt useless design and renovation at a store in a nearby industrial estate and anonymous , which now had no less sad decorating home bar owners. Stood as the cornerstone of indefinite color comfortable with carved drawers and orphans of all history, in which it was impossible to track any personal drama to have been stripped all traces of human precisely because of the transporting indifferent humanity continued for those rooms. Completed a hopeful show a misanthropic bedside with her potty dilapidated but clean in its gloomy interior and a rococo mirror up by the passage of time and embarrassed by the peeling paint of your frame. The impression he made the fourth was of a permanent combat tables between apathy and anxiety without guest referee did and dared to take it out of its doldrums. The picture could not be more opposed to second-hand literature, which had traveled some distance, or a couple of drinks as an antidote to the urgency I went to the bar downstairs.


(*) Nickjournal Published August 24, 2009 .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tattoos Footprints With Wings

Judgement, value and law

(*) is no doubt that summer is a proper season Montaigne selected readings and a meticulous type who submitted their experiences, impressions and opinions to a method that rocked both moral and gambling imposed training, while challenging the use of changing moral opinion as which can be imposed at all, since it would be perverse for indefinite versatile and useless. Variables to resolve these moral and chance that could have reduced to the status of a new moral or, increasingly secular version of the Renaissance, arbitrista. And he anticipated the empire's prestige or discredit personal opinion is for the social position or group where it is overriding the value and special nature of the trial. It is useful to read now that social premium brand that we believe we assigned in the securities markets, enabling us or discredited to be recognized and integrated, but preventing the knowledge-as opposed to the recognition of others, and independence of mind. Without doubt foresaw that it would be an inexhaustible source of quotes and comments, although his vision was not to sense that would be inspired Nickjournal tickets. Is not the first time you use or the last.

About morality and its strength as a brace on the view outside his capacity as a system for ordering social thought and traffic trials, wrote in Chapter XL of Book I of the Trials whole size and mission statement in its title: That experience of good and evil depends largely on our view . And he says the following:
"Men," says an ancient Greek sentence, "they torment their views on things, not the things themselves. " If I could establish the full truth of this proposition, he would earn an important point for relieving our miserable human condition. Because if the evils we have penetrated only through our view, seems to be in our power to despise or cut in property. If things are performing at our mercy, why not have them or accommodate them at our convenience? If what we call evil and torment is not evil nor torment you, and only our imagination that gives quality, change is in our hands. And if we can choose, if nothing forces us, is an extreme folly opt for the match that we find most annoying, and give the disease to poverty and contempt and troublesome a sour taste and can give good and be so fortunate just gives us the area and shape concerns us. Now, let's see if it can be argued that what we call evil is not his (...)

Separate things, wandered without trial by the reign of opinions. The problem centered on whether natural condition of things determines our option, without possibility of appeal to be adjusted, then all natural moral challenges and religion as universal and timeless standard training trial unequivocal:
original be afraid of things that had the power to stay in us by his own authority, and similarly would like at all. In fact, men are all the same species and, except differences of more or less, come with similar tools and instruments to understand and judge. But the variety of opinions about things clearly shows that they only penetrate us with a transaction. Perhaps some of the are home in their very being, but give them a thousand other new and otherwise be there.

The key is in the transaction between the nature of the thing and opinion and the mechanisms underlying the transaction. The different men seem to face one fact which is attributed originally a negative quality, indicates not only useful for different values \u200b\u200band different cultures and times but also the difficulty of assigning value and manage these views to prevail upon them without interest and common approach. That is, the law.

Apply the above to cases such as death, the death penalty, poverty, torture or the same management of public funds by our leaders.